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Recent content by misfit

  1. misfit

    Soldier Qualification Course (Questions & Answers)

    Don't base your choice of career on SQ. Its a short course, and it's good times for the most part. Good PT and firing machine guns is wicked.  :rage:
  2. misfit

    Close Quarter Combat (CQC) [Merged]

    The most importnant thing is winning the fight. That is what you should focus on - not any dancing.
  3. misfit

    Peoples Attitudes changed when stated I was joining

    People were proud of me for wanting to join the army. However, some people tried to talk me out of it. Of course people are going to give you weird reactions. Joining the army is a weird thing to do. The pay is crap, its boring, its hard to make plans or have any kind of life, and you get jerked...
  4. misfit

    My Obstacles to Joining the Canadian Infantry

    Git er done.
  5. misfit

    Preparing To Join

    The CFAT is easy. Practice some math though before you go in just to have it fresh. If you pass the medical, and you make it to the interview for infantry, you WILL get selected if you want to. The PT for basic is a no brainer. Get off you ass and run a few times a week. Do a few sets of 25...
  6. misfit

    how do they notify you if you are in or out

    You will get a call when you least expect it. Usually around 13:00 on Sunday morning.
  7. misfit


    Bring them. You might have to keep them locked in with your civi stuff for a few weeks, but after that no one will care.
  8. misfit

    BMQ on Aug. 7 in St. Jean?

    I just swore in today! My plane for St. Jean leaves on Aug. 5th. I had left my job a few weeks ago and have just been trying to focus on this. I've been so excited the past few days. This is what we've all been waiting for!  :salute: :cdn:
  9. misfit

    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    Why don't you call the recruiting center and ask the Canadian Forces what you should be doing?? You'll probably get pointed in the right direction.
  10. misfit

    Persistence and perserverance pays...

    Congrats Hot Lips. When is your start date?
  11. misfit

    BMQ on Aug. 7 in St. Jean?

    Yes, I know its in the joining instructions. My question was WHEN did you get em.
  12. misfit

    Before swearing in.

    I was told that I would not be getting anything in the mail. Cpl.___ said show up on July 19 with a shirt and tie and some info for my will.
  13. misfit

    BMQ on Aug. 7 in St. Jean?

    When did you guys (girls) learn this? I was told I will find all this out during the enrollment on July 19.
  14. misfit

    BMQ AUG 21 - St. Jean

    I gave my notice two weeks ago and my last day is July14. I am training my replacement now too. I don't have any instructions yet, so I guess i'll get all that when I swear in.