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Recent content by RobinsonM

  1. R

    Entering the CF and YOUR Money....

    I was wondering what the total taxes are on a privates salary, I know the orught pay is 30000 annually but how much of that goes to taxes and any other fee's, Other than rent ETC. As well how much do you make in Basic in a month, Becuase I know recruit pay is lower but how much? Help appreciated
  2. R

    November 2009 BMQ

    I have decided to make a 23 November Face Book group. So if you want to join simply search BMQ November 23rd 09
  3. R

    November 2009 BMQ

    Does anybody have a 23rd of November Facebook group?
  4. R

    November 2009 BMQ

    I am also going armoured. Got hired as a Crewman, We will probably end up in Battle School together
  5. R

    November 2009 BMQ

    I am coming form Windsor On there. Getting Sworn in on the 12th of Nov
  6. R

    List of Items needed for Basic

    I was looking for like a list of any items you need they the Army wont supply
  7. R

    chances of getting into november BMQ

    I am also leaving November 23rd
  8. R

    List of Items needed for Basic

    I need a list of items needed for Basic Training before you go. I tried the search and could not find a thread. I also searched the CFLRS website and could not find it either. So if you have any official list I would appreciate it a lot. As Well as anything useful that I may want while I am...
  9. R

    November 2009 BMQ

    I am scheduled to leave November 23rd