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A Deeply Fractured US

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Well POTUS did release all his tax data, unlike a certain Former President who now it seems fairly clear why he did not want to do so…
How about the laptop scandal that everybody seems to have forgotten ? How did the ''Big Guy'' managed to get ''elected'' while having that scandal floating around ?

It this would've been about Trump, everybody would've lost their minds and would still be talked about to this day. But hey, the medias aren't biased at all, right ?

Let's hate Trump, paint him in a corner and let a puppet who can't even say 5 words straight manage a powerful country like the USA.
Not to legitimize the suggestion there are microchips in the C19 vaccine, these issues center around consent. I'm guessing some people don't care what you do when consent is involved (nueralink). And there are some people who, when consent is not granted, are ok to force their way onto others (C19 vaccine).
Instead of stopping short and saying it's so everyone can stop dialing their phone like a chump, some further reading would show the true purpose. It is to allow people with neurological problems, unable to use their limbs, to use a computer or use a phone. It is also to control prosthetics and exoskeletons providing mobility to those that have lost that ability.

Decouple the conspiracy theories of covid and microchips, they do not belong in the same conversation as neuralink

I'll have to delve deeper, but a cursory read says to me that unnamed sources don't count as proof. I'm not arguing the content... yet. I have to read further. Tanks Kev.
“Oddly” echoed by most of his former inner circle…
It's a highly charged time. Everyone is jockeying for position. Many don't want Trump, Biden or whoever and are willing to spew whatever is required to silence/ push their choice of target. Some are even paid to spread their venom. Personal opinion is a matter of perspective. Some like portions of what they hear, some don't. In the end it's mostly just biased personal opinion. You have to decide for yourself what you want to believe. I have a set of criteria that is personal and that I use for myself. As I'm sure others have their own to varying degrees. A well educated opinion, based on provable fact is better than a venomous finger pointing one spoken out of hate and spite. The former can be checked and discussed, the latter warrants no discussion at all.
It's a highly charged time. Everyone is jockeying for position. Many don't want Trump, Biden or whoever and are willing to spew whatever is required to silence/ push their choice of target. Some are even paid to spread their venom. Personal opinion is a matter of perspective. Some like portions of what they hear, some don't. In the end it's mostly just biased personal opinion. You have to decide for yourself what you want to believe. I have a set of criteria that is personal and that I use for myself. As I'm sure others have their own to varying degrees. A well educated opinion, based on provable fact is better than a venomous finger pointing one spoken out of hate and spite. The former can be checked and discussed, the latter warrants no discussion at all.
A friend of mine was on his PPD, he has nothing nice to say about old 45…

He likened him to the Clintons…
A friend of mine was on his PPD, he has nothing nice to say about old 45…

He likened him to the Clintons…
As I said Kev, to each his own. i'm not denying your friends experiences or his right to form his opinion. Lots of people have employers they don't like. However, many have employers that they do like. Sometimes that's the same employer. I have the highest respect for your opinion and I hope you have some for mine, but sometimes we're just going to disagree. I would let your friend into my small circle based solely on your say so, but I don't know what transpired with him and 45 and your conversation was private. Whatever it was, is still hearsay for me. I hope that makes sense.
Not to legitimize the suggestion there are microchips in the C19 vaccine

There was a decline of 22% in infant mortality between 2002 and 2021 in the US.

It rose by 3% in 2022, the first time in 20 years.

Could be due to covid. Could be due to the vaccine 😶‍🌫️
5 have been caught, 3 are still being sought. The 5 were charged and released on self recognizance, 4 within 3 hrs. At least one is a repeat offender stateside. All are illegals.
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