Coyote purchase was separate from the Bison (that was intended for the Res). Well before IOC the plan had been for the Regs only. The numbers acquired were not even close to being able to fill Reg needs.
While I’m sure that
@dapaterson is not wrong at the ID phase, that plan ran into the reality of numbers, or more accurately well $$$.
The Coyote and Bison where all effectively orphans as the numbers where really low compared to initially AVGP, and then LAV III. Which is sad, as IMHO the LAV-25 is probably the ideal 8x8 wheeled vehicle.
If I had been King back then, you’d have seen 1 and 4 Bde with Bradley’s, 5 Bde with LAV-25 and the SSF light. The loss of 4 Bde and change of the SSF into 2 Bde would have just resulted in 5 Bde going Bradley and the ARes going LAV-25, and 2 still jumping.
But alas I wasn’t King