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Search results

  1. Burrows

    Seeking Ideas for "Scenarios of Problems" - Teaching M203.06

    Just a few things (mainly as personal opinion/experience) 1) There are many things that can be taught under CAF Familiarization.  The nature of these lessons may be the same but the content is "cadet-ized".  For example - field movements and cam and concealment can directly to translate to...
  2. Burrows


    The DL is primarily self-directed.  There are weekly timeframes in which certain tasks must be completed (discussion posts, etc.).  When you are loaded on your course, you will be given a breakdown of what is covered and in what order, as well as a schedule that is specific to that course. The...
  3. Burrows

    diabetes and HMCS Quadra

      Hi Colin, When your daughter joins the program officially there is a section of the enrolment form that discusses medical needs and there will be a Detailed Health Questionnaire (DHQ) to be completed as well.  Once these are completed, the DHQ will be sent to the Regional Cadet Medical...
  4. Burrows

    Paying Compliments (Saluting, Verbal Address)

    You aren't missing it - the expectation does not change based on venue so it doesn't need to be stated. 
  5. Burrows

    Appropriate Discipline Techniques for Cadets

    CATO 15-22 (as linked above) is the definitive go to for discipline within the cadet program.  Extra duties, typically relating to the deficiency, are a reasonable go-to before escalating further. For your first example, you cannot assign a physical punishment that does not relate to the...
  6. Burrows

    Being a Good Officer/CI/CV

    The biggest thing I can suggest when it comes to leading cadets (and anyone for that matter) is to make yourself approachable.  There is a way to be approachable and supportive without crossing the boundary from supervisor to friend.  You will find that some of the most effective communication...
  7. Burrows

    First Nations - CF help, protests, solutions, residential schools, etc. (merged)

    I am actually all for accountability when it comes to spending.  I think that if a reserve is going to be using government funding, then the government has a vested interest in ensuring effectiveness of that spending.  I agree, we have all seen the horror stories of misspending.  I just think it...
  8. Burrows

    First Nations - CF help, protests, solutions, residential schools, etc. (merged)

    Jarnhamar, You are welcome to your beliefs.  I found your initial post in the original thread to appear ignorant and generalizing in nature. It spoke to a lack of understanding of a much broader picture. Such assertions can reflect negatively upon the individual as well as the institution...
  9. Burrows


    The topic being discussed is criminal and military justice.  The impact that this CANFORGEN has on aboriginal mbrs directly pertains to it.  The other perceived or real shortcoming of the reserve system does not. That may be your individual belief, but it is not something that you, as an...
  10. Burrows


    As someone who routinely works with First Nations offenders and the justice system, I can tell you that the reserves themselves are not the problem.  There are other issues with the reserve system (which I won't get into), but you cannot blame their existence for criminal behaviours. There are...
  11. Burrows

    Survival FTX for Army Cadets

    Instead of listening to what your cadets are saying happened, I would consult with your Zone Trg O through the Chain of Command and take direction on how this needs to be structured.  The reason being that we have a duty of care to them and need to make sure they are fed appropriately.  The...
  12. Burrows

    Cadets and CADPAT in public

    Current CATOs governing Cadet uniform regulations, specifically 46-01 (Army), 55-04 (Air), and 36-01 (Sea), all expressly prohibit the wearing of CADPAT by cadets.  Additionally, the regulations stipulate that any civilian purchased field clothing cannot display any rank insignia or be worn with...
  13. Burrows

    Welcome New Army.ca Staff

    Hey Guy, I am not Duey, but figured I would respond anyways. Looks like we may be having a global search issue.  I'll point Mike in the direction of the problem.
  14. Burrows

    Welcome New Army.ca Staff

    Hello all, I'm Kyle - I joined Army.ca in 2004 when I was a wee cadet with aspirations of joining the CF.  That didn't pan out in quite the way I'd intended (though I am currently in the enrolment process for the CIC), but I still managed to never leave here.  Shortly after joining, I...
  15. Burrows

    Question for Mods and / or those who run the board.

    Hi Shadreamer, I'd suggest talking with our site owner Mike Bobbitt.  He's kind of the guy to go to for stuff like this.
  16. Burrows

    Expedition Instructor. What do I need?

    We spend so much time asking people to use the search function that I think we should acknowledge the value added to this instead of having someone create a new topic. Thanks for adding to our resources.
  17. Burrows

    MOVED: Rob Gear Hand to Hand

    This topic has been moved to Radio Chatter. http://Forums.Army.ca/forums/threads/106935.0
  18. Burrows

    Fundraising for Army.ca's New Server

    Title has been corrected on the original post.
  19. Burrows

    Medak Pocket (info, documentaries, etc. - merged)

    Hr1u00, You may contact me via email in order to explain your intent here.  Until such time as you see fit to do so, your account will remain in read-only. As has been said already, you're coming to a Canadian site to tell people that were there how it happened.  If you would care to provide...