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  1. Mike Bobbitt

    Increased site security

    Well that would be disappointing. That they are starting to catch on, that is.
  2. Mike Bobbitt

    Increased site security

    Should be less of a risk now than before, as all data is encrypted. Unless the risk is that they can't tell what you're doing any more. :)
  3. Mike Bobbitt

    Increased site security

    Folks, A quick note to let you know that all sites (Army.ca, Navy.ca, Air-Force.ca, and Milner.ca) now default to secure mode using SSL. This change means that email addresses, passwords, posts, etc. are encrypted in transit between your decvice and my server. If you have any problems please...
  4. Mike Bobbitt

    All things Charlottesville (merged)

    It's a fair assessment, and I recently considered shutting down the Politics board as well. However after convening a committee to discuss, and after five readings, I decided to open a second Politics board instead. Very bureaucratic of me don't you think? :) All kidding aside, the reason is...
  5. Mike Bobbitt

    MOVED: The MEGA Political Cartoon Thread

    This topic has been moved to Global Politics. https://Army.ca/forums/threads/123289.0
  6. Mike Bobbitt

    MOVED: U.S. Politics 2017 (split fm US Election: 2016)

    This topic has been moved to Global Politics. https://Army.ca/forums/threads/125056.0
  7. Mike Bobbitt

    System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

    Some database tweaks and updates this morning, let's see if it helps. Or hurts. :)
  8. Mike Bobbitt

    System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

    Changes this morning increased security, but apparently not performance. I will continue to investigate.
  9. Mike Bobbitt

    System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

    Sorry about the outage... took some drastic steps to lock things down and upgraded a variety of security tools. Please let me know if there are issues.
  10. Mike Bobbitt

    System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

    It's a server side issue, nothing to do with VPN usage. We are getting a lot of traffic from unexpected locations, so I am adding a bit more security.
  11. Mike Bobbitt

    Subscriber Status Board ( merged )

    Your leave has been cancelled. ;)
  12. Mike Bobbitt

    Subscriber Status Board ( merged )

    It’s a bit of a flaw in the system. Only subscribers can change status, so if that status lapses you can’t change or clear it any more. I’m out at the moment but if you’d like I can wipe it when I get back. Cheers Mike
  13. Mike Bobbitt

    Site Outage, 19 Jul 2017

    Folks, unfortunately the site was down for a few hours this morning due to a server upgrade that introduced some serious issues. The problem has been resolved and we are back up as of a few minutes ago. Thanks for your patience. Cheers Mike
  14. Mike Bobbitt

    Blood test at BMQ

    They test for standard medical illnesses such as diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. It's basically as if you got an annual check-up from your civilian doctor. Some illnesses (E.G. diabetes) would exclude you from service, but generally this is just to get a baseline of your health and make sure...
  15. Mike Bobbitt

    Major Site Upgrade

    A couple of weeks with only the regular amount of issues... I think we can put this one to bed and move on to the next one. :)
  16. Mike Bobbitt

    Canada 150 at Army.ca

    Thanks MCG, I appreciate the past work and the heads-up. I've moved us from winter to Canada Day in the enoji world.  :cdnsalute:
  17. Mike Bobbitt

    Canada 150 at Army.ca

    Folks, A few fairly minor updates for Canada's 150th: Everyone has some subscriber rights for the long weekend, including no ads! The red menu You can select an all red Canada theme here Double MilPoints! Have a happy (and safe) Canada Day all! Cheers Mike
  18. Mike Bobbitt

    Major Site Upgrade

    A quick update with good news... Immediately after the conversion, there was not much difference in the performance and number of connections (we even peaked at our max of 700 at least once). However we are now looking much better. For those who care, the database uses I/O credits to allow...