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  1. Gunnar

    lf Canadians will not support me now, I am compelled to join the Taliban

    My immediate thought was..."Well then, looks like you made your choice.  We're here because we WON'T negotiate at the point of a gun.  What part don't you get?" And then I thought.... In cultures less governed by the rule of centralized government, the LAW (cultural tradition, whatever) would...
  2. Gunnar

    Not the kind of crisis I needed just before deployment...

    It's on Youtube.  I occasionally do searches for funny Australian commercials.  In some things, you're allowed to be more irreverant than we are.
  3. Gunnar

    Are the Taliban gaining momentum ? Aug 2008

    Would I be totally off base if I suggested that the recent uptick in belligerent action was largely due to the fact that the poppy harvest is complete, and perhaps they simply have money, and unemployed (former poppy pickers) people available?
  4. Gunnar

    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    Well then, you'd probably get a medal. After all, isn't this the same political party that put Canadians who were shot for desertion and cowardice on the scroll of honour for WWI (I forget the exact honour, but I do recall those who were shot got to share the same honour as those who won VC's...
  5. Gunnar

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    Actually, I usually give the postal code for Santa Claus.  It's a valid postal code.  And the man has to do something in the summer.  And a lot of his elf-made gifts seem to have brand names on them.....so why not?
  6. Gunnar

    Art imitates Life - Videogame First Aid

    Man Imitates America's Army, Saves Lives http://blog.wired.com/games/2008/01/americas-army-t.html By Earnest Cavalli January 18, 2008 A North Carolina man who saw an SUV flip and roll on a highway last November was able to provide medical aid to the victims with skills he learned from the...
  7. Gunnar

    Mail and care packages sent to BMQ / BMOQ

    Okay, most of the links in earlier posts are now dead.  I'd like to arrange a care package, from my company, to the guys overseas.  We deal in things like powdered drink mixes, cleaning products & etc....so I think the things on the "Would like to get list" are pretty much covered. The Angels...
  8. Gunnar

    Tories bar death sentence interventions

    Further, why would be interfere in the administration of justice in a foreign country simply because the offender was a citizen of OUR country? We live in a free country.  That means you are free to leave it if you like, and visit other countries.  You are told you have to obey local laws...
  9. Gunnar

    Farmers sue DEA for right to grow industrial hemp

    You know, industrial hemp sounds like a really good idea.  I've seen the products you can make from it, and it makes the best rope.  The problem with legalizing hemp is that it seems that only pot-heads are part of the grand "movement" to legalize it...which kinda detracts from the credibility...
  10. Gunnar

    Can soldiers use the legal drug salvia?

    In the armed forces, while you may not use any drug that is illegal, the issue surrounding drugs is more than the legal aspects.  The question you have to ask yourself is:  Can I rely on the quick thinking and judgement of the person next to me when my life is in danger?  If the person in...
  11. Gunnar

    Canadian Public Opinion Polls on Afghanistan

    There are lies, damn lies, and statistics.
  12. Gunnar

    Women used as human shields to protect Hamas

    Spokesmen for radical muslims have said on more than one occasion that they "worship death".  They mean it. Wonder how Allah feels about them worshipping death, not him?  ;-/
  13. Gunnar

    The media takes up our quarrel, on behalf of the foe.

    No, but she can stand up for the integrity of the journalistic profession, if the others are too lazy to do so.  By defending herself, and her chosen metier, she defends us all...as a side effect to her defending the integrity of reporters everywhere.  It's a side effect I can live with.
  14. Gunnar

    Taliban Morale at All-Time High & Taliban frustrated over handling of their amnesty

    http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20061008/workman_taliban/20061008/ I love this. We're sick of being shot, and people don't like us.  We just want to go home. Have you changed your opinions? No, not really.  We just don't want to be shot at any more.  And our relatives are...
  15. Gunnar

    Correct Grammar, Punctuation... vs Text (Tweets, Emoji…)

    English has a standard, and a commonly accepted standard at that.  If I can't understand your message, and I need to waste time looking up things because you are incapable of using standard English, I will do one of two things:  I will ignore you completely, as you cannot be trusted to...
  16. Gunnar

    1 canadien sur 5 croit que...

    Ca serait interressant d'avoir les statistiques sur combien des Canadiens ne sont pas trop doué aussi. Malheuresement, les moutons croient juste ce qui est rapporté dans la presse, l'information qui est fournit par Hamas et Al-Queda....ils ne l'examine pas critiquement...en fait, il ne...
  17. Gunnar

    The Judge Superthread- Merged Topics

    Here's the problem: To clarify my point...the trooper is fine (previous comments implied he wasn't...but it was the court that I have issue with).  I'm not nuts about the legal decision, but the decision to bring him in was a good one.  And you're right, someone saying "yeah,  I chipped in" to...
  18. Gunnar

    TV reporter suspended for praising Canadian mission in Afghanistan

    Why is it relevant that the author is a journalist with Radio Canada? This letter was her personal viewpoint, sent to a third party newpaper, but which identified her as an employee of Radio Canada.  Be a bit like signing your diatribe to Jack Layton with your name and RANK, no? I think that...
  19. Gunnar

    The Judge Superthread- Merged Topics

    It wasn't necessarily to excuse drug money...it was basically to point out that in the absense of any evidence whatsoever, a man was convicted. I don't know.  And neither did the article.  Suppose he didn't.  Is it the responsibility of Nebraska State Troopers to pursue US Federal Law, again...
  20. Gunnar


    Umm....in other words...."Buy my book"?  ;D