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Search results

  1. Quiet Riot

    Individual Meal Pack (IMP) [Merged]

    Some are ok. Like the beanie weenies, pretty hard to mess those up.   But stay away from the ham and mustard sauce one.
  2. Quiet Riot

    Dress Regs

    past posts on the subject http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/22801.0.html http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21745.0.html I had to get mine ready too, but I didn't have to do the sewing myself just handed them in to the ASU and they're doing it for me.  The 2 previous topics should have...
  3. Quiet Riot

    Military Jury Convicts Sergeant of Murder of own troops

    http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=691706 FORT BRAGG, N.C. Apr 21, 2005 â ” An Army sergeant was convicted Thursday by a military jury of premeditated murder and attempted murder in a grenade and rifle attack that killed two of his comrades and wounded 14 others in Kuwait during the...
  4. Quiet Riot

    Activist seeks Canadian haven for U.S. deserters

    http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20050421.wdese0421/BNStory/National/ Ottawa â ” Tom Hayden, a U.S. activist of the 1960s, is asking Canada to provide a haven for deserters from the U.S. army. Mr. Hayden, once a defendant in the notorious trial of the Chicago Seven and later...
  5. Quiet Riot

    Best method of cleaing computer screens

    Don't know who was more confused by this... me or my cat who was sitting by the screen.....
  6. Quiet Riot

    The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

    That's friggin hillarious Britney. I thought they didn't use projectiles to kill the seals because it could/would ruin the pelts? what difference does it make if its quiet?
  7. Quiet Riot

    Terroists being deported to countries that allow torture, to extract info.

    Well about the only thing I agree with the french on is thier way of prosecution,   the onus is on the accused to prove thier innocence.
  8. Quiet Riot

    Terroists being deported to countries that allow torture, to extract info.

    I agree Gramps that info collected through torture can be very unreliable, after all I'd probably say or confess to anything to get the guy with the cattle prodder to stop poking my sack.  From reading the article I got that these people are more than just suspects, it's just that the...
  9. Quiet Riot

    The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

    Pieman don't know if you put that up regarding the guy in the UK(I think), who set up a donation fund saying he'd have to kill and stew up his rabbit unless he got something like $50,000.  Sad part is I heard on the radio he already has somewhere in the nieghborhood of $24,000 in donations...
  10. Quiet Riot

    Terroists being deported to countries that allow torture, to extract info.

    Terror suspects at risk of torture, report claims 15.04.05 4.00pm by Robert Verkaik http://www.nzherald.co.nz/index.cfm?c_id=2&ObjectID=10120658   Britain, the United States and other western countries are meeting the terror threat by sending suspects to regimes where they risk torture and...
  11. Quiet Riot

    Help >.. Restricted and prohbited weapons

    Maybe I'll be reading about this in the next darwin award book.
  12. Quiet Riot

    Help >.. Restricted and prohbited weapons

    I too would recommend against making your own speargun. If you were to be stopped by the police and they found it, I think you could get into some trouble and maybe face some charges.  Pretty sure it would be considered a restricted weapon.
  13. Quiet Riot

    Help >.. Restricted and prohbited weapons

    Went looking for speargun couldn't find in the weapons section of the criminal code but it might fall under crossbow. If it does fall under crossbow you're allowed to have one if you have a license for restricted firearms.   Only reason I could see it not being considered a crossbow is the...
  14. Quiet Riot

    World Cup of hockey

    Can't wait for this to start, I've been living of the OHL this year(go Knights!!!).  This definetly looks a like a good team to send but like someone else said a younger one, besides Brodeur and a few others. Dan Boyle is a defensemen from the lightining, he's a pretty decent player who's really...
  15. Quiet Riot

    Self Defence and Protecting Canadians

    Most of my knowledge comes from highschool law classes and a police foundation course at a local college.   I am also just interested in law and read up on it whenever I have the chance.   You could be correct about the instructors being a little cautious about teaching the use of force since...
  16. Quiet Riot

    Self Defence and Protecting Canadians

    TCBF, I got the 3 criteria about sec.35 from the Criminal Code of Canada 2003 edition. when I used the store robber incident and said the robber could've turned around and fought I was wrong.  It could be argued that the robber went into the store with the intention to cause serious bodily harm ...
  17. Quiet Riot

    Self Defence and Protecting Canadians

      I interpet sec.35 alittle differently, maybe because i've just finished a 14hour shift....  but to me it seems it gives the person who starts a fight or provokes a fight, without the intention of causing bodily harm the ability and justification to fight back without being liable to an...
  18. Quiet Riot

    Redue tests for CT?

    Thanks for the info all.  At least I have an idea what to expect when I talk to the orderly room and the recruiter.
  19. Quiet Riot

    Future weapons

    Not sure if this is the right section for this, but I thought it was very interesting.   Imagine the future of war if entire armies were carrying these, once they are out of RD and have magazines attached.   Posted some of the text check out the site for the rest.  If anyone has heard or seen of...
  20. Quiet Riot

    Redue tests for CT?

    Thans for the help medic2ic and PPCLI Mcpl.  When I did the CFAT I was told I could good pretty much go for any trade in the reserves, are the scores required to get into the reg force counterpart the same?  Also, will I have to do the medical exam again too?  Or is it once it's done you don't...