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Search results

  1. WZukon

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    Bojangles, to answer your question “Where are the women in the CF”…they’re in the Reserve.  In the RMS trade.  The Reserve is about one quarter female, the Regular Force waivers around 13%.  That may not seem statistically satisfactory to women, but neither is it unexpected.  We all choose our...
  2. WZukon

    SAR Tech

    Gully, a few postings ago you mentioned the CASARA Manual.  This link to the "CASARA Training Manual Rev Jan 03" surfaced in a "C27J Spartan versus C295" debate in another forum. http://www.casaraontario.ca/~webmaster1/Manuals/Revised%20New%20CASARA%20Training%20Manual%201.pdf (the link seems...
  3. WZukon

    Support Our Troops - Stealing Magnets

    I'm sure I didn't.  I was reading "Support Our Troops - Stealing Magnets" when I posted. Are we sure this forum is working okay.
  4. WZukon

    Support Our Troops - Stealing Magnets

    I read this entire thread with profound fascination.  And somewhat ambiguous sentiment.  Stealing is wrong.  Period.  But to me there's something touching about a fellow Canadian who happening upon a Support Our Troops magnet, experiences enough covetousness to actually steal it.  Bizarre, I...