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  1. Kirkhill


    The Trump Effect https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2025/02/21/how-return-british-tactical-nuclear-weapons-save-europe/ I would also add this to the mix.... http://www.hisutton.com/Ukraine-Banshee-Drone.html...
  2. Kirkhill

    CAF Procurement

    https://www.realcleardefense.com/articles/2025/01/31/is_upgrading_the_canadian_army_a_mission_impossible_1088453.html Andrew Latham, Ph.D., a tenured professor at Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minnesota. He is also a Senior Washington Fellow with the Institute for Peace and Diplomacy in...
  3. Kirkhill

    UK Between JEF and the EU?

    https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2025/01/31/give-us-youth-movement-block-defence-deal-eu-starmer/ Europe is facing the end of the world. Putin is rampaging on its border. Populists at large in their parliaments. Boris's Britain signed up with JEF and the Easterners. Starmer's Britain...
  4. Kirkhill

    Anti-DEI Gone Overboard - Course Corrections.

  5. Kirkhill

    Time for a new Key West Agreement

    https://www.defenseone.com/ideas/2025/01/time-new-key-west-agreement/402489/?oref=d1-featured-river-top I think it is fair to say that this is a relevant discussion. .... I also think these articles, emphasizing the defence, also frame the current debate. Ukraine proves that Clausewitz was...
  6. Kirkhill

    Top Heavy Army

    Stop me if you have heard this one.... https://www.defenseone.com/ideas/2024/12/army-too-top-heavy/401571/?oref=d1-hp-voices-module
  7. Kirkhill

    In Defence of Parties

    https://washingtonmonthly.com/2025/01/05/party-animal/ I found the piece interesting but the flaw I detect in it is that the Van Buren - Jackson era described is the same era as that described by de Tocqueville as an era of "small platoons". The US society was not so much fractured as...
  8. Kirkhill

    Joint Logistics (Civilian)

    This thread came out of this comment - https://www.defensenews.com/land/2024/05/22/pacific-exercises-help-to-shape-us-armys-watercraft-strategy/ The US Navy, Marines and Army are all chasing the same defence dollars. They all have different senses of what the 80% solution looks like. Even...
  9. Kirkhill

    Just one damned thing after another

    I hold that Toynbee was more wrong than right. There may be rational threads to history but the net effect is so complex as to be random. This author holds that European liberals, and I will suggest liberals at large, are too invested in progress. Progress suggests movement towards some...
  10. Kirkhill

    US Navy cutting basic to 9 weeks from 10.

    https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-navy/2024/12/11/navy-to-cut-boot-camp-from-10-weeks-to-nine/ Is Army training the best standard for the modern forces? Or do the technical services, the Navy, Air Force, Space, Cyber, Log, offer a better standard? Are we assuming that everybody needs to...
  11. Kirkhill

    Canadian Border Agents want to patrol Canada US Border

    https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-canadian-border-agents-patrol-powers/ A bit of a change from the days of trying to convince the Border Agents to accept guns. Now they want to patrol the entire border.
  12. Kirkhill

    Mucking around in the Irish Sea - Critical Infrastructure

  13. Kirkhill

    Multi Domain Task Force - Canada

    Seeing as how I brought it up --- What is an MDTF or Multi Domain Task Force? Per the Congressional Research Service https://www.everycrsreport.com/reports/IF11797.html And what can it do? - From a pilot exercise during RIMPAC 2018...
  14. Kirkhill

    2024 National Defense Strategy Commission: We Are Not Prepared

    https://www.realcleardefense.com/articles/2024/10/21/national_defense_strategy_commission_we_are_not_prepared_1066457.html Oh, and make lots more stuff of all sorts. But... If the West wants an American style defence then it is going to have to dig deeper and toss a few more shekels in...
  15. Kirkhill

    A Tale of the Blob - Court and Country Parties in Washington

    https://newcriterion.com/article/the-washington-octopus/ The article is about the rise of modern Washington, but it references the London antecedents, which never went away and which cast as shadow over Ottawa and Canberra. The symptoms described, in my opinion, are endemic in all capital...
  16. Kirkhill

    Information Wars

    A lot of electrons buzzing around devoted to information wars, misinformation, disinformation and such. Loads of people concerned about the truth and where to find it. The concern seems to afflict politicians and journalists and other clerical types - men of the cloth and Philadelphia...
  17. Kirkhill

    CRINK - The Rise of Eurasia

    Oceania awakes and Eurasia takes notice. https://mwi.westpoint.edu/on-protracted-war-the-challenge-of-sustained-large-scale-combat-operations/ The authors' sense is that from the Chinese perspective the match has already started and that delay only really serves Oceania. In other words...
  18. Kirkhill

    Short War Illusion

    https://phillipspobrien.substack.com/p/the-short-war-illusion-the-real-us Noteworthy substack article from O'Brien on Short Wars. Everybody loves a short war. No war was ever touted as a long grind. In fact I don't think anybody actually declares war unless they think it will all be over by...
  19. Kirkhill

    Ireland will defend itself.

    Ireland is taking some of the load of the RAF and the RN? https://breakingdefense.com/2024/10/ireland-draws-up-record-1-5-billion-defense-budget/ The RN also patrols the seas around Ireland.
  20. Kirkhill

    Going Dutch

    https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2024/03/dutch-navy-to-replace-opv-and-lpd-with-a-single-class-of-ships/ In 2012 the Dutch commissioned 4 Holland class OPVs for service in the North Sea, the Caribbean and the South China Seas. The contract was let with Damen in 2007 - the same year Harper...