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  1. Travis

    Which profession gets an easier posting?

    Im just wondering which profession out of the Medic's or the Infantry is it easier to find a position over seas with?  :cdn:
  2. Travis


    can anyone help me with my littllee problem.  I frequently get ragged on by people for being in the canadian army....  the same people which say it would be better if we joined america.  Can you give me some good points to hit them with when this topic comes up in the future please :D
  3. Travis


    Few, thanks Always On Guard. If he was tellin the truth i was serious about to be like.. wtf. Maybe i should join the american army and go through there basic then come back to canadian :p and change things from there.. Seems there be no need for that. Thanks again Always :D :army:
  4. Travis

    Military Life Salary

    Does any know how much people are paid in the military? Not that it really matters to me ;) But it would be nice to know if anyone knew a site or what not... Say for an infantry in PPCLI :p How much would he make at.. private ( If thats american sry :p I play lots of american games )
  5. Travis


    I just recieved glasses today, I have 20/20 vision (at least im pretty sure) but what i really wana know is will i be able to get into the army with glasses.. or will i have to lose em (laser eye sergery etc.) I mean ill do almost anything to join the army.