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  1. D

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    Horseman... You are the one who had better get your facts straight!!! You don't have the vaguest idea of what you are talking about. You sound like you have read a farmer's manual on anti-fungicides and the application of Hexachlorobenzene to destroy fungicides in farm crops. I have read and...
  2. D

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    Hi... I wanted to clear up a few things. First of all, the testing program for finding if contamination exists is SERIOUSLY flawed. According to military document A-2004-00207 there are at least 20 dumpsites for the chemical barrels. It is stated by DND that they used anywhere between 200...
  3. D

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    A class action lawsuit was filed July 12, 2005 against the Minister of Defence and the Attorney General of Canada as representatives of the Canadian Government. The action was filed in Federal Court in Ottawa and was filed because of the Government's responsibility for the spraying of toxic...
  4. D

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    Hi Everyone, the following is a letter that I sent to our DND Minister The Honourable Bill Graham: I am writing to you in your capacity as a member of the committee studying the spraying of Agent Orange and various other defoliants at CFB Gagetown. As you are now aware, there is a class...
  5. D

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    Hi ... Just for your info, yes I have asked for exactly what has been sprayed from 1985 to present. And the FoI officer has complied that he will provide the information. I have been told by dozens of military personnel that the spraying is done every summer and has been since 1984. Thus, I...
  6. D

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    Hi Everyone I just wanted to reply to "Strike's" comments about my post as follows, as he says and I quote: "This statement just serves to cause fear where it may not even be warranted" Referring to my statement below: REMEMBER WE STILL DON'T KNOW YET WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN SPRAYING FROM 1985...
  7. D

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    Just an added note to the class action. There is absolutely no cost to you to sign on. If there is no award, you pay nothing. If damages are awarded by the federal court, then you share in the award of damages provided you have been able to give proof that you were medically affected and have...
  8. D

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    Hi Everyone Just to clear things a bit once again... Yes, the Americans, with DND's permission did spray Agent Orange and Agent Purple in small quantities in the summers of 1966 & 1967. But during this same time our DND was ALSO spraying Agent White from 1965 to 1984 inclusive COVERING 132,318...
  9. D

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    Hi Everyone My name is Kenneth Dobbie and I was one of those present at the DND Technical Briefing at the CFB Gagetown Base Theatre on Thursday, June 23. I presented information to the panel which is contained in a document that I obtained from the DND freedom of information officer in Ottawa...
  10. D

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    Hello Everyone I received a file today from DND concerning the spraying of CFB Gagetown, of the 82 pages there are 43 that are "withheld", just totally blank pages, I have to assume that since the briefing contains information about medical records of personnel in conjunction with the use of...
  11. D

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    Hi Everyone I have been talking with the senior pension officer with the DVA for Nova Scotia in regard to a compensation claim for my mother since my father died in 1999 of a rare form of cancer which is one of the cancers caused by Agent Orange. The reception from the pension officer at the...
  12. D

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    Hi Everyone... I just wanted to comment on a post I saw about Agent Orange being washed away. The Dioxin that is a by product of the two chemicals that make up Agent Orange or Agent Purple has a half life of nine years. That means that it loses halif it's toxicity every nine years. It does...
  13. D

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    Hello Everyone Today, May 31, I contacted Veterans Affairs and told them of my father's exposure to Agent Orange . Dad was in the 2nd Btln Black Watch and was posted at CFB Gagetown from 1959 to 1962 and then again from 1965 until the Black Watch was disbanded. Dad had a lot of experience with...
  14. D

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    Hi... For years I have been searching for information on Agent Orange use not only in CFB Gagetown but also throughout New Brunswick. My father, Robert Dobbie, served with the 51st Highland Division, British 8th Army during WWII, then after emigrating to Canada joined the Canadian Black Watch...