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  1. D

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    Thanks for the info and quick response.  I have given him other information and it would make it so much easier if he would learn to use the computer.  He has one but doesn't use it.  I have printed off the info.  Thanks again. 
  2. D

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    Hi Everyone.  Haven't posted in awhile because I lost my password.  Leukemia is still stable (Thank God).  Have done my affadavit and such and just waiting.  I was talking to the Ex and he was refused DVA because they said Gagetown never caused his COPD.  Geez, he rolled around in those fields...
  3. D

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    Mr. Dorosh:  I am not here to either agree or disagree with you.  I am far to fatigued to argue.  I can only tell you the facts.  One of the facts is that 20 to 30 years after exposure G. Sellars widow was awarded a pension from DVA.  I do know that he was diagnosed at least 15 years prior to...
  4. D

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    Given the state that some of the PMQs were allowed to deteriorate to, and shrinking budgets, I'm sure it had nothing to do with Agent Orange. I wish I could be just as sure that my Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (the identical very rare form as Brigadier General G. Sellar's) had nothing to do...
  5. D

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    I would dearly love to read more about the 4 contaminated sites.  Can you help.  They actually demolished the pmq that I lived in.  Would be interesting to know why.  Thanks for your help.  I will be getting tested for toxidity levels soon.  I spoke to my leukemia specialist and my rare form of...
  6. D

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    Sorry to hear about you and your family Robert.  Seems there's a whole generation of us already dead or dying of Cancer and nobody really seems to care except the people directly involved.  I have no doubt the Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia will get me before the government does anything.  Good...
  7. D

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    It appears there was a direct link between Agent Orange and the Brigadier Generals Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.  He received compensation.  A life is a life.  Time the government did something about all these cancers.  Too many rarities here to be coincidence.  Many of us don't have much time...
  8. D

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    I seem to be experiencing a problem posting but I will try again.  Here goes.  I was in CFB Gagetown between 1971 and 1974.  After leaving NB I developed allergies to almost everything.  Allergies to ordinary drugs even.  In 1981 I was diagnosed with an unusual white cell count.  However, it...
  9. D

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    I was in CFB Gagetown from 1971 until 1974.  Two years ago I was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.  The type I have is a very rare T Cell form.  No family history.  No knowledge of where it came from.  I was there during the spraying and it was after I left NB that I started having...