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  1. Paik

    Pet Peeves

    +1 Also, men who don't take their hats off during O Canada.
  2. Paik

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    I used to work in a movie theatre and had to see the old ones over and over and over and over when they were part of the pre-trailer ads. Was I brainwashed into wanting to join the military? Perhaps. But I do know that I'd be happy if I didn't have to see them again any time soon.
  3. Paik

    Midterms. Woe is me.

    Yrys:Umm.. no. Seems I've missed that deadline. ;) C_R-C: I am thankful that I can't make the wireless on campus work with my laptop, or otherwise I'd be distracted in class as well. I don't post much, but boy do I spend a lot of time reading. :D
  4. Paik

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    The "British Mechanized Infantry" one reminded me of the whole Trainspotting "Choose Life" speech that Renton gives. I liked it, but I like the new CF ones the best. And, that marines one was just awful.
  5. Paik

    Midterms. Woe is me.

    Dear members of Army.ca, Why do I always end up reading the forums when I should be studying for my midterms? An addiction such as this cannot be good for my GPA…
  6. Paik

    About following orders...

    Thank you, CFL, for telling me what it was called. Like a good kid, I did a search and found other threads that answered my other questions, so I'll just quietly go back into the lurking shadows again.  :)
  7. Paik

    About following orders...

    Yes, I realise, but that's why I'm asking the question. What would happen if you were given an order that could get you in trouble with the law? Are you allowed to refuse it? Or does it all depend on what the order is?
  8. Paik

    About following orders...

    Pardon my reference to a science fiction show in my first post on this site, but I've been lurking for a bit now, and while I don't have much to add to any of the other discussions (though I do enjoy reading what everyone else has to say  :)) I had a question I hoped someone here could answer...