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  1. cdnsignaller

    What makes a good Officer? What makes a bad Officer?

    Some of the best officers that I ever met are mustang'd NCM's
  2. cdnsignaller

    Thanks from America

    I agree with that sentiment. We all work together  :salute:
  3. cdnsignaller

    Enrollment: Swearing an Oath or Affirmation [merged]

    Heck, Bloggins should be a 4 leaf general by now for all his dedicated service to the crown LMAO!!!!! :soldier: I know I blurted out his name on more than one occasion during my tour.
  4. cdnsignaller

    War Museum Controversy and Follow-up Thread [merged]

    Most definately, you gotta check out Rommel's shot up staff car. :salute:
  5. cdnsignaller

    The Canadian Peacekeeping Myth (Merged Topics)

    Hmmmm, Why is answering to a secondary political organization with no clear path or plan (the UN),  That has shown is level of incompetance and corruption (food for oil program + its handling of bosnia in the 90's) is unprecedented a bad thing? Wow
  6. cdnsignaller

    Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

    Omg, i was in in the early ninety's and remember these Merit Boards. Sounds like a delgation of Amway distributers HAHAHAAHA :dontpanic: