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  1. TheFITZ

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    Talk to your recruiter about this, they should be able to answer these questions better then most.  It is very important to have all this info before you try to pass your clearence form in.  From personal experience any missing information or out of date information will lead to an obvious delay...
  2. TheFITZ

    Paying rent and bills while in the CF

    If you plan on retaining your residence while on basic, make sure you get them to pay for your rations and quarters.  If not you will only be making between 500 and 600 every pay.
  3. TheFITZ

    Change of report date and IRP Policy

    If you are just moving yourself to your new posting, then your new unit should put you on IR and up in single quarters until your F&E arrive (If the CO has approved, which you say he/she has).  As for the travel I believe that does come out of your own pocket though. Somewhat similiar experince...
  4. TheFITZ

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    Q.Why aren't you at work today? A.Ah you sent me on course.
  5. TheFITZ

    Anyone here have a MAC?

    Everyone here has brought up some good points regarding Mac's vs PC's.  However while MAC does have that nice GUI, PC has that nice gaming platform.  If you are into photoshop and making movies, and playing tetris (my buddy has a mac and thats pretty much all he could play) then MAC is for you. ...
  6. TheFITZ

    Computer Problem

    Try Tune Up Utilities, it may work for this problem.  Also if your computer is a Dell or HP or any brand name computer go to there website.  You may be able to get the drivers there.  Or you can hit either F12 or F8 to go into advanced boot options.  This will let you boot from last known good...
  7. TheFITZ

    Chevrons, do we flip them with a King?

    First off, I am not gullible person :).  Box of frequencies, how bout you go get me some shoreline from the QM.  The question was an intrest question for me.  With all these people referring to the upside down chevron to as symbol of a female.  Many people believed that we would switch once we a...
  8. TheFITZ

    Chevrons, do we flip them with a King?

    Good Day All, A question we are trying to answer here.  In the future when the Queen hands the throne to either Charles or William.  We will as a "member" of the commowealth reverse the direction of our chevrons?
  9. TheFITZ

    BMQ June 2008 - ALL Locations

    Cordovian as well, best polish for these new parade boots they issue.
  10. TheFITZ

    Physical fitness test

    Chris The Merc, I wouldn't worry too much about the fitness test, I would be more worried about your attitude.  Instructors will eat you alive and for sure you will be on PAT waiting to be kicked out or recoursed.  To answer your question, you do it as a platoon, normally two groups.  You start...
  11. TheFITZ

    A certain bar in Ottawa

    Alright, so I am sorry to the moderators if I have posted this in the wrong section of the forum, however I really as a Canadian Soldier and more importantly a Canadian citizen despise the way we as a public treat our men and women in arms.  Today on Canada day, myself and 3 of my brothers were...
  12. TheFITZ

    Any favourite BMQ memories?

    I am here in St Jean entering my 6th week and I have seen some creative jackings.  We are now accustomed to seeing Taliban Snowmans in our bunks.  Insecure kit up here seems to be a real problem with a few people in my plattoon. Here are a couple of my faviourite memories so far though. 1)Left...
  13. TheFITZ

    Sept/Oct BMQ Start Dates

    Nothing wrong with being an officer, however I do agree with you on getting your hands dirty.  NCM get to do so much more then officers ever get the chance to do. As for your offer mine came about 2 weeks after I had my final interview, let me tell you those 2 weeks were nerve racking. ...
  14. TheFITZ

    Sept/Oct BMQ Start Dates

    I will also be in St Jean for the September 16th BMQ, I am flying out of Halifax this Sunday morning.  Question off topic, any body know where I can get a stiff kiwi brush?  I have searched the local Cannex and other stores.
  15. TheFITZ

    BMQ In St Jean September 2006

    Hey Guys & Girls, Just wondering if anyone on here will be starting BMQ in St Jean this September? 
  16. TheFITZ

    Got phone call, all information, but a number I can't recognise

    I don't think it is medical, I just did mine yesterday and I received a 111225.  That is the best you can get. P.S.  I am going for sigop as well.  See you in Kingstson possibly.