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  1. Milwife

    Hi I am new here. Husband will be deployed to Kandahar

    Not anymore it is gone now. :D Sorry Gunner, not thinking, guess they have puters too eh ? DUH :o ::) Please remove references to where we live as well. Thanks... I edited what I could.
  2. Milwife

    Getting a lot of "I don't know's"

    I can't comment on the pay issue but I can tell you that it is not easy and you need to have a lot patience being a military spouse. You deal with the stress by talking to friends, family and your BF. One thing I can advise is be completely honest with him about your feelings and concerns...
  3. Milwife

    Hi I am new here. Husband will be deployed to Kandahar

    Thanks very much for the welcome and words of encouagement. I am sure I will find this site invaluable. As for the ribbons I do not think there is a Canex here anymore; I am in Winnipeg, actually we live outside  of Winnipeg on a hobby farm. Thanks Mac I will try to order a T-shirt from there. ...
  4. Milwife

    Hi I am new here. Husband will be deployed to Kandahar

    Hello.  :) I am new to this forum and found it while looking up " Support our Troops " magnets. I am actually looking for a t-shirt. Anyway, my husband is being deployed to Kandahar  :'( and I am looking for a place I can vent and get some support. I am ( and as I should be ) upset, scared...