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  1. Babs087

    Army.ca pub night/meet and greet anyone? - Ottawa Chapter

    Whoa......hold up..... Rice with Girls?!?!  (haha just jokin rice  :P) Of all the times to be sick  >:(
  2. Babs087

    Army.ca pub night/meet and greet anyone? - Ottawa Chapter

    Rice (and friends)....Jer wants to come out too on saturday, and your all welcome to crash at my place....its only 25 for cab...which isnt too bad between a few ppl, anyways, think about it and let me know! P.s, I hope none of you gents are gunna let a lil woman out drink you this...
  3. Babs087

    Army.ca pub night/meet and greet anyone? - Ottawa Chapter

    bring a few extra....ill still drink you under the table >:D :P
  4. Babs087

    Army.ca pub night/meet and greet anyone? - Ottawa Chapter

    Its  against my nature to refuse booze! see you all there.
  5. Babs087

    This is why Daddy drinks at Christmas

    Thats ok, its probably better that i wax the floor. You did a shitty job the first time >:D :P
  6. Babs087

    This is why Daddy drinks at Christmas

    Im sorry educated women (like myself) are wrecking all your fun ...... back to the kitchen i go.    :P :salute:
  7. Babs087

    This is why Daddy drinks at Christmas

    OK. TOTALLY AVOID the big or fat comments when it comes to pants. A simple "It makes your butt look nice" is what she wants to hear.
  8. Babs087

    This is why Daddy drinks at Christmas

    I resent being called a wench!   Now go get me a beer.    Man Biotch :P
  9. Babs087

    This is why Daddy drinks at Christmas

    Screw sports illistrated.Id settle for some dirty mags.    (rolls eyes)
  10. Babs087

    This is why Daddy drinks at Christmas

    You forgot Tiffany & Co. :P
  11. Babs087

    This is why Daddy drinks at Christmas

    Hell im a sucker for A & W burgers!
  12. Babs087

    Its In! Saddam to be hanged NLT 27 Jan 07

    The sick F*ck got what he deserved.
  13. Babs087

    Christmas Gift Wrapping Tips for Men - A little late, but...hey...

    Guys...i know this might be a difficult concept for you, but.....you could always ask your sister, or a female friend to teach you how to wrap properly. She'll enjoy teaching you, and it keeps you out of shit in the long run.  Just a thought.
  14. Babs087

    Firefighters' fitness test ruled discriminatory

    From a females perspective. The standards, are the standards. If you can not achieve them, get off your butt and work a little harder at it. I'll be damned if someone lowers there expectations because i have breasts.  (but thats just me.)
  15. Babs087

    For The Ladies - Demystifying Men

    Your so wrong!! We are easy to please. As long as everything is our way! :P    (joking)
  16. Babs087

    Help out the ladies?

    Hey all, As a female new to the infantry reserves, any suggestions?    Thanks!