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Search results

  1. F

    Snow Shoes

    Yea we have a winter ex starting tonight, just thought I would ask on here and see if there are maybe multiple methods of doing it.  Or is there is only one proper way to do it.  Thanks guys.
  2. F

    Snow Shoes

    Hey, just wondering if anyone could tell me how I am supposed to put my bindings onto the snowshoes...  Mine came separate so I am left wondering how to lace them properly...  Pictures would help to!
  3. F

    Mandatory Time Off

    I am from Saskatchewan, and this new legislation is what I have been hearing about I think.  I was hoping to get on a reg force SQ/BIQ kind of deal in the spring and I was always under the assumption that with something that long I would have to quit.  But with this new legislation I might be...
  4. F

    Mandatory Time Off

    I have been hearing from some people recently that a reservist (I don't know if this effects a reg) can not be denied time off from work for military training.  So for example if you had a week long exercise or if you had a three week long course you could get the time off of work without...
  5. F

    Um What Piece of Kit is This?

    This is probably a really stupid question, but what the hell are these guys wearing on their heads???
  6. F

    Packing for BMQ. Pajamas?

    I think the issuing of PT gear all depends on the unit.  My unit wont even let me buy PT gear until I have my BMQ.
  7. F

    Bison Warrior 2007

    Hey all, just wondering who all went to Bison Warrior in Fundurn this year?  I was there as a GD bitch but i'm sure some other people have some war stories to tell. 
  8. F

    Packing for BMQ. Pajamas?

    Like 90% of the people I have seen just sleep in their PT gear.  This is a good idea for two reasons, it's not uncomfortable like sleeping in your combats is and when you have to get up for morning PT you don't have to get dressed.
  9. F

    Army.ca Status- The History of Outages & Dark Days

    Yea it's been bad today but right now it seems to be good.  Guess I will use the site at night and early in the morning that way I will miss the mid-day rush.