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  1. Scathach

    BOTP this summer

    Well, here is what I know personally, from attending NOAB on March 2, our whole group was split in 2. There will be BOTP in St. Jean starting on May 5, 2008 and another BOTP held in Venture starting on April 28, 2008. I genuinely don't know about any other group.
  2. Scathach

    May 5th BMOQ

    Well, please add another old fart... BMOQ in St. Jean on May 5 Name: Chouinard Age: 33 Position: MARS Officer Entry Plan: CEOTP See you then.
  3. Scathach

    I GOT A CALL FOR the NOAB" Threads

    QUOTE: "Good on you guys... but you do know that MARS Os eat their young right?" That should be interesting. There is nothing like a good challenge! Glad I could help you. See? Team work already!!! I am heading for Staples to print the darn thing, maybe use a fancy schmancy presentation...
  4. Scathach

    I GOT A CALL FOR the NOAB" Threads

    Just got my letter and plane ticket. Ugh. Needed to buy "business style" suit, since I only own jeans and casual pants... Just completed my CV too.  How you guys doing? Looking forward to jet lag! Going Coast to Coast!!! A.
  5. Scathach

    I GOT A CALL FOR the NOAB" Threads

    Eh Delicron (or should I say Chiarizia - is this your fist name or family name?), Here is my own information: Name: Andree Intended MOC: MARS CFRC: Halifax Age: 33 I could also add that my entry level is CEOTP, since I will be completing my Bachelor degree in Management. Have a great day!
  6. Scathach

    A Sudden and Abrupt Turn.

    Delicron, It was a good read. Thank you. I will indeed be attending the NOAB from March 3-March 7. I am truly excited about this opportunity! OK. Off to find that thread you just mentioned, and introduce myself. Take care.
  7. Scathach

    A Sudden and Abrupt Turn.

    Hi Delicron & Kevin, I look forward to meet you in Esquimalt for NOAB. I have been merit listed since November 07 as Airfield Eng. but only switched to MARS a couple of weeks ago after moving to Halifax. Do you know what to expect from NOAB? I know another recruit, as chaplain, who was sent to...
  8. Scathach


    Hey Knuckles, I am also on the Merit List, for Airfield Engineer, and I too am hoping to make the cut for basics in St-Jean by January... How did you find the process so far? Take care, A.