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Search results

  1. N

    Reservist Parade Nights

    Hi all, Im going to be getting into the reservists and I haven't been getting any answers but I was curious to know how many parade nights per month you must be in attendance. I ask this becasue I have also just recently joined a Judo club and they practice every Thursday the same night that the...
  2. N

    Firearms Carried by Medical Technicians

    Hi all, just curious about weaponry for Med Techs. Specifically what does a med tech use for a side arm? (Pistol, Rifle....) I understand the common rifleĀ  in CF is the C7 but what about the pistol? is CF still using the Browning 9mm or hase it changed? Also, during peacetime on a peace keeping...
  3. N

    Calling all Medtechs

    Hey all, Just seeing how many people out there are planning to go into CF as Medical Technician? Call it one of those "just for fun" threads. I figure if we get to know one another online it will make breaking the ice a bit easier should we meet in either BMQ,SQ,QL3 or any other Alphabet Soup CF...
  4. N

    Medical Technician ( Med Tech )

    Hi all, as U can tell by my user name my intent is to beocme a Med Tech with DND. from what Ive seen on this site there is LOTS of info, almost too much, information overload if you will. Like everyone else I'll have to go the Basic Training- Lots of neat posts there some telling me to FRAEK...