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    Phase 2 in Moose Jaw. Do any OJT's have questions?

    Thanks guys I really appreciate your feedback.  I have been doing some digging myself and talking with a couple other OJT pilots who I was on course with and they are strongly recommending Winnipeg as my first choice so I am leaning maybe there first then Kingston or Trenton.  I am torn with the...

    Phase 2 in Moose Jaw. Do any OJT's have questions?

    I am slated for PFT this summer in Portage and have to decide where I want to be posted after my course and I am wondering what suggestions/advice you may have.  As far as what I would hope to fly, if I am good enought and get selected I would go fighter but my secondary choice would be TacHel...


    Yes it definately helps if you just do your degree first with no help from the CF.  The thing is though if you apply under ROTP for the pilot occupation you obviously go through the whole recruiting process including all the medicals and air crew selection process in trenton, then if u pass...


    To answer your question yes UCFV in Abbotsford is recognized by the CF.  A friend of mine is in his first year in that Aviation Business degree program and is has applied into the CF under ROTP.  Any university or college in Canada aslong as it is a fully accredited institution is fully...

    Image of RMC in the eyes of CF members

    Having read everyones thoughts and opinions I will get straight to my point/question:                   Should I go to RMC or CIVY U?        And this is my background... 1)  Currently a Corporal with 7 years service in the Primary Reserves. 2)  College Diploma in hand and currently working...

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    As a serving member in the Canadian Forces Primary Reserves and a Commercially Licensed Helicopter Pilot with my degree underway through RMC Distance Study, I have applied for the Airforce under ROTP and am wondering what would be my best option: 1)RMC 2)University of Western Ontario 3)Simon...


    Your right on with how I am looking at this whole situation. I have 6 credits so far through RMC, so I figured if I get permission to do a course "overload" I could complete my degree in the 2 years as you mentioned or a bit less. Just another thing I'm 24 yrs old right now and I have no...


    I am currently at the Aircrew Selection Phase with regard to my Component Transfer and from conversations with my recruiter and a Liasion Officers in the Airforce, I have been advised that they may close CEOTP pilots applicants due to a major backlog and the fact that there are those who have...


    Straight to the point. 1) I am already a commercially licensed helicopter pilot. 2)7 years service in the Primary Reserves. 3)Bilingual and I already hold a college diploma in Police Foundations and am currently 4 credits into my Bachelor of Arts Degree through RMC via Distance Study.----All...