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  1. Ak.abdale

    Religious apparel in a Catholic school?

    20 out of a 1000. That's a big minority. We have around 1300-1400 kids and I think we almost have an equal amount of religious and non-religious people, proboly 60% Christian and other and 40% Aethist,Agnostic or Free Thinkers
  2. Ak.abdale

    Religious apparel in a Catholic school?

    Thanks for the answers. I figured it would be ok, but needed a double check. The science at my school stays away from evolution from what I've done in 9 and 10. It sucks when I'm sure I'm one of the few who are not Christian(any denomination), aethist, or agnostic at my school.
  3. Ak.abdale

    Religious apparel in a Catholic school?

    I was just wondering if anyone could answer my question. I go to a Catholic school, but I am a Jew. I usually wear a baseball cap in equivalent to my kippah to school and around , and I do take it off at school. What I was wondering is if I was allowed to wear my kippah all day without any...
  4. Ak.abdale

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    Just finished playing some Call of Duty 4right now I am talking to a few friends, and eating a tea biscuit (YUM). 
  5. Ak.abdale

    What religion do you consider yourself

    Well Passover is currently being celebrated, but most of my friends are agnostic or aethist and they said happy Passover which I thought was pretty nice of them.I have taught most people all that I know and I get some really funny questions ,but I answer them to the best of my ability.
  6. Ak.abdale

    What religion do you consider yourself

    I consider myself a Jew. My father's side is notvery religious only doing holidays such as Xmas,Easter. My grandpa's family on my dad's side were all Orangemen. My mom's side is not very religious. My great-grandma on my mom's side was Jewish so I kept the tradition. I do go to a Catholic school...
  7. Ak.abdale

    Basic Up

    I though there were only going to be 5 episodes. Can anyone explain why there are 9 on here?
  8. Ak.abdale

    Religion in the Canadian Forces & in Canadian Society

    Thank you for the link and the examples.
  9. Ak.abdale

    Religion in the Canadian Forces & in Canadian Society

    I totally agree with you that we should respect even non-religious people. "Having said that there could be other instances where I would whole heartedly support an act of defiance like this, but there would truly need to be some infringement on the persons rights." Can you give me an example...
  10. Ak.abdale

    Religion in the Canadian Forces & in Canadian Society

    The point is that people in general people 'have to wake up and smell the roses'. Canada and other countries around the world are very multicultural and we have to respect everyone, no matter who they are. We also have to respect their religion , and even if we don't agree with it ,or like it we...
  11. Ak.abdale

    Religion in the Canadian Forces & in Canadian Society

    I'm not trying to stir anything up here, but from reading this post all the way through,I have noticed that the atheists and agnostics alike seem to have a heck of a time trying to get this point through their heads. I am not saying all of them are like this I have agnostic friends who I can...
  12. Ak.abdale

    Which bolt-action rife is the best?

    Ok ok I'm going.
  13. Ak.abdale

    Which bolt-action rife is the best?

    I will haveto call the local gun shop down the road and ask if they carry the 7.62. What does the x54 mean?
  14. Ak.abdale

    Which bolt-action rife is the best?

    Thank you
  15. Ak.abdale

    Which bolt-action rife is the best?

    One more question. Can you mount a scope on a rifle like the Mosin-Nagant?
  16. Ak.abdale

    Which bolt-action rife is the best?

    Yeah it looks like a solid rifle and it must be easy to use ,the Russians had no problem with it. ;D
  17. Ak.abdale

    Which bolt-action rife is the best?

    Nyles: Thank you for the suggestion. Do army surplus stores sell military rifle's, or would just any big gun shop?
  18. Ak.abdale

    Which bolt-action rife is the best?

    Ex-Dragoon: Thank you for the input. I see the error of my ways in the naming of the title and I'm sorry if that last post seemed rude or arrogant.
  19. Ak.abdale

    Which bolt-action rife is the best?

    Yes I understand that people will give their own opinions, I was just looking for some input so I could check out some rifle's and make my decision.
  20. Ak.abdale

    Which bolt-action rife is the best?

    Thank you for the help