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    STEP TEST?!?!?

    I'm doing my fitness test at the end of the month and i'm doing the step test. I got a 7 on the 20meter shuttle run and I can probley get  7 1/2 or 8. I ran 3.5km no problem should I be worried for the step test? Can someone tell me exactly what it is cause there is nothing about it on here and...
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    knowing what you qualified for

    My reserve unit said they only support infantry and I qualified for that and know im interested in knowing what else I qualified for
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    knowing what you qualified for

    I know it sounds kind of stupid but I was really excited that I passed and never thought of asking until I was on the way home...
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    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    I just passed the cfat and im in grade 12 college classes. The best advice I can give you and you probley read 100's of times is to do some practice aptitute tests on the internet and read every question carefully and DON'T spend too much time on one question.
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    knowing what you qualified for

    Hi I just passed my CFAT for the reserves and I applied for infantry. Now im kind of curious what else I qualified is there a way to find out a person to ask? Thanks
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    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    JUST PASSED IT TODAY. it's fairly easy and im in applied classes. THE BEST ADVICE and they will tell you this is TAKE YOUR TIME on each question and READ IT CAREFULLY!!!! and you should do fine
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    Reserve Co-op enrollment 2014-2017

    can you do bmq during co op?? and for the weekend bmq is it every weekends or how does it work?? ???
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    BMQ on weekends??

    Im im currently in grade 12 right now and im staying back another year and im joining the reserves I can't do my BMQ this summer because I already have a job lined up and I was wondering if I can do it on the weekends during the school year is that possible?????????