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  1. B

    Borden CFFA - Living Quaters

    This is hopefully an easy question, I just haven't found the answer yet... When my QL3 course at the CFFA in Borden comes along, do all members live in the quarters on base? I am not married (nor do I have dependants), but I have a few pets over here that certainly wouldn't be welcome in the...
  2. B

    Est. time of backlog of D Mil 7

    Hey guys, I am currently transferring trades, and everything has been sent to Ottawa. I know that my file is there, but rumor has it that there is a bit of a backlog for an offer to come from D Mil 7.  I believe that my (and other) cases are fairly straightforward, but we haven't really...
  3. B

    Obligatory Service in the CAF

    More info on obligatory service and release: http://www.admfincs-smafinsm.forces.gc.ca/dao-doa/5000/5049-1-eng.asp Deciding to release before your period of incurred obligatory service has expired, in itself, will certainly not leave you with any "negative feedback" or so-called 'black marks'...
  4. B

    Wanting to grab some high school courses while at regiment.

    This may also be worth a read: http://www.cfsuo.forces.gc.ca/adm/pdp-pps/er-eng.asp#er-01
  5. B

    SAR Tech

    I'd only take civvy courses that I either can't get with the military, are too fun to pass up, or are applicable to other good things (i.e. I have no interest in the high-angle rescue stuff from Mountain Dynamics). Thanks for all the info!
  6. B

    SAR Tech

    (1) I meant that perhaps there are Training Qualifications in other aspects of the [main] course that are provided by civilian organizations as well, outside of JIBC/Mountain Dynamics. If I were to look for civilian courses, such an organization would be given my preference in a particular...
  7. B

    SAR Tech

    Long thread. Good info. I'm current RegF in the process of finding another trade. From everything I've heard, go with a trade that really appeals to you in and of itself. There's no guarantee that even after all the prep and certs in the world, that selection will be a pass. Having said that...
  8. B

    Repairing a knife tip

    You might be surprised with what some local stores can do. House of Knives, for example, put a custom bevel & scary sharp edge on my Hinderer in front of me. They also put a scary chisel grind back on another. I agree with looking at fourms, much to be heard on sites like bladefourms or the USN.
  9. B

    Direction on Release from Custody (CF)

    This may be a question for JAG, but after a member is released from custody, I understand that a release certificate be issued, as well as a report of why the member was in custody, and another concerning direction on release from custody. If a member is having NDA charges laid against her, and...
  10. B

    CIC conversion to ROTP

    Abel, I wouldn't be too concerned about keeping pay. As far as I know, from working with Cadets this summer, the military will not lower your pay scale. I think you might actually make more than Reg F OCdt. I agree with McKay. Join the reserves while working at improving your grades. If you...
  11. B

    RMC Rations

    I apologize for my inexperience, Please allow me to modify question A) I am looking for documents that pertain to the ammount RMC cadets pay for rations, what is used as a guideline for the Cadet Dining Hall budget/orders/regulations, and why RMC cadets cannot seperate R&Q. DAOD 3012-0 CFP...
  12. B

    RMC Rations

    Two questions: A)    Modified, see next post. B)    I will hopefully find this ansewer after reading the document I am searching for, but is there a reason that OCdts living off campus (and thus not paying for meals) are unable to purchase a meal plan for lunch only? My reason for asking B)...