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    just thought i would add this topic to see if we could get some people to write about there time in fleet school. pros and cons, experiences, tips, funny stories, anything really relating to there time. 
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    General Questions

    i am pretty sure that u receive the pay of acting leading seaman for the naval electroic technician courses where u would spend approx 2 years in school after bmq and fleet school as opposed to the 20 weeks as a hull tech.  but for a definate answer speak to ure local recruiter
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    All Things CF Firefighter (merged)

    so apparently they have filled there need for the year according to the calgary recruiting office
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    All Things CF Firefighter (merged)

    thankyou for the info, i had a sneaking suspicion it would be like that, i guess it would probably be best fo a guy to put in another trade for a few years and possibly transfer trades when ure commitment is over?
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    All Things CF Firefighter (merged)

    anybody here happen to know if there are many openings for the new fiscal year? 
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    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    boourns boatswain is 100% full for this fiscal year
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    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    is boatswain full for this year?? i notcied a couple people crossed it off there lists?  any recruiters know forsure??
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    WOW, moving really fast?

    what recruiting center were u at?  that is incredibally fast, congrats
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    up to date information on infantry training after bmq

    so i just got off the phone with the calgrecruiting center and they informed me that it was approximately 8 weeks for soldier qualification and 8 weeks for infantry qualification, so total of 16 weeks after bmq, thanks for everyones input
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    up to date information on infantry training after bmq

    sounds good to me then, i can roll with that answer, thanks alot guys
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    up to date information on infantry training after bmq

    well i thank very much for the input, so we've established that the soldir qualification is 20 training days, so does that mean that initial infantry training after bmq is 17 weeks total.  20 days of which is soldier qualification - (4 weeks including weekends and holidays) ??
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    up to date information on infantry training after bmq

    i definately will, the part that had me confused the most was the soldier qualification length, it says on forces.ca 20 days, on the forums here it says all different numbers and then i asked a recruiter on the forces.ca chat and he said 10 weeks, and then referred me to the forces.ca as the...
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    up to date information on infantry training after bmq

    yeah thanks smirnoff thats what i was asking, so is it safe to say that as of today soldier qualifiction is officially 20 days and infantry trade training is 17 weeks?  (subject to change of course)
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    up to date information on infantry training after bmq

    sorry forgot to add that, regular force ncm
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    up to date information on infantry training after bmq

    recently ive bee investigating the infantry trade and trying to get a definative answer on the length of time on training past the bmq stage (soldier qualification and trade taining) also locations if possible... the forces.ca website tells you 2 different things from the video and hard copy on...
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    i certinly have been wanting to join for a long time, but i wll be honest it has spedup my date in which i intend to apply, i was originally planning on applying in the summer of 2009, now its basically a soon as i get all my paprwork in order. ill be going for refular force ncm            1...
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    well i thankyou for your swift reply, i really appreciate it.  I will put in my paperwork tommorow for it tommorow.
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    i was doing a search and came up with nothing, im considering filing for unemployment insurance and i was wondering if this is frowned upon by recruitors  or seen as a negative trait in an applicant?  im looking to apply within a month or 2,  i used to work in the oil patch but with oil prices...
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    bmq locations

    well i thank you very much for he quick reply. thats what i thought for the most part i just wanted to solidify my answer to better prepare myself for a potential interview in the future.
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    bmq locations

    i was just reading the recruiting site today and happen to notice that it lists shilo as the location of bmq. i was wondering if this was now the case or just that the site is continuing to be updated and changed daily?