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    Both partners in the military.

    I found the best way to deal with this is one of you get posted and then you go reserves and switch to reg force once you've done your training. That is what I'm doing. Then you can either decide you still want to be reg force or maybe you don't like it as much as you thought and just want to...
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    Questions about living in barracks after training.

    All I can say is that if you're at Borden, I hope it's not for very long. Just remember, it's like it's own world and when you get posted it is nothing like that. It's not so bad if you're in the Mods but the shacks aren't so much fun I found. It's great if you enjoy young kids who have never...
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    Mobile Support Equipment Operator (MSE Op) [Merged]

    Are you in Comox yet?! I bet you are, it's awesome here, we just got here in July. I don't know about the single quarters but I know there isn't a whole lot of night life. Lots of old folks though. I hear MSE Ops here have it pretty good. They just sit around and wait for somethin to do!
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    Waiting in Borden

    Getting sick can be a result of allergies. I've been hospitalized due to mold sickness. Either way, the sickness never seems to end around there.
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    Waiting in Borden

    The shacks are the shacks. Just don't get caught drinking in them, it seems to be a growing issue lately. You'll be lucky if you get into the Mods when you get on course. They aren't the best either but they are better than the shacks. Make sure you stock up on cold and flu medicine because...