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  1. R

    aerospace engineer

    Thanks.......Do you have any idea if i select for AERE so i need to sign any contract OR bound for 3 or 5 years
  2. R

    aerospace engineer

    Thanks.......Do you have any idea if i select for AERE so i need to sign any contract OR bound for 3 or 5 years????
  3. R

    aerospace engineer

    I am sorry for misunderstanding.......I just like to know how do i prepare myself for the test. The recruiter center provide a sample test. It that enough for the preparation?
  4. R

    aerospace engineer

    Hi, Today i got phone call from recruiter center. I have test test and interview on 24th feburary. Do you have any idea about the test questions?.. I am just curious that same day i have test and interview without medical exam?
  5. R

    aerospace engineer

    It says 42000/year....and 66000/year after 5 year.......Its right?
  6. R

    aerospace engineer

    Hi, I just check the national defense web site............regarding the salary of an Aerospace Engineer..Do you have any idea how much they make?
  7. R

    aerospace engineer

    That's really cool.... you are absolutely right........I just submitted my application yesterday, so do i need to wait until they call me for test and than medical...OR just call them now and ask about my application status????
  8. R

    aerospace engineer

    Oh man you have a lot of useful information 8).....so are you sure that i didn't get the job for Aerospace Engineer for this year.....do they have a lot of people apply for Aerospace Engineer job?????
  9. R

    aerospace engineer

    No i put two choices one is aerospace engineer and second is pilot....lol both perfect............You dont understand my question. I like to know do i eligible for any initial bonus??? cause i have a good education.
  10. R

    aerospace engineer

    Hi Steaven, Thats nice to know that you learn something from navy. i was submitted my application for AERE. Do you have any idea if i have master degree so do i will get some benefit allowance at the time of joining forces?? thanks
  11. R

    aerospace engineer

    Hello , Thanks for reply me. as you working in the army now so what you think its a tough job??? or its a place to learn a lot? Thanks Rob
  12. R

    Aerospace Engineer

    Hi, i am just start my application process for the Aerospace Engineer.... Is their anyone applied for that before. I have some questions regarding that profession...I really appreciate your help Thanks Rod
  13. R

    aerospace engineer

    Hi Steven, Are you select for an Aerospace engineer.....I am looking to apply for that soon...Please let me know so i can ask you some questions. Thanks Rod