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  1. R

    I searched and could not find!

    LOL...must you!
  2. R

    I searched and could not find!

    What are the jobs that the Forces recruit the most like what do they put priority as far as who gets accepted first? I heard they are always looking for Infantry but no solid answers came fourth!
  3. R

    Relax and Chill out!

    :nod: People are so ansty about Basic Training, it's not war YET peeps, take it easy!
  4. R

    Zero Pilots Being Hired in 2009?

    Everybody wants to fly planes and sail boats, no one wants to do the dirty grunt work. I luv dirty grunt work. INFANRTY LEADS THE WAY, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :piper:
  5. R

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    You will be fine, I am a dumbass(ask around these forums) and I qualified for everything...literly Pilot to Medic! INFANTRY LEADS THE WAY, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! :piper:
  6. R

    On my job selection sheet there were three different Infanrty codes?

    On a friends computer right now, the form is at home. Umm..from memory..under "Combat Arms" it had armoured...engineer....etc.. and then under "Infantry" it had 3 codes and one was french?
  7. R

    On my job selection sheet there were three different Infanrty codes?

    What do they mean? :salute:
  8. R

    September 2009 BMOQ !!!

    I think it depends on what job your looking for, they'l probably put an emphisis on Combat Arms first or Medics before anything else.
  9. R

    June BMQ- 2009

    Yeah, what he said, they also said June is the next group for me aswell after my last step(medical). Yeah, medical.
  10. R

    Critique this workout please

    I rather go for a tight strong package, instead of bulky and strong.....your easier to shoot at when your bulky! 8)
  11. R

    URINE Questions

    I was not asked aswell, but :salute: they will probably before basic training, like right before basic, so no one shows up with contraband in there blood stream, which is good I really don't want any druggies standing with a c7 next to me.
  12. R

    Does anyone know the actual start dates for basic in St.Jean?

    I heard right now it's Officer training and in June it's Regular?? Thanx. :cdnsalute:
  13. R

    Perma-Smile. Just passed medical. Awaiting Enrollment Call(2 weeks he said).

    WooooooooOOOoO. I think it only took 2 months for me to get to this stage. Basic Starts in June I hear!