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  1. janbear

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    I sure did:)...pretty darn stoked!!!
  2. janbear

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    Had my ceremony today...it was pretty sweet...i'm soooo happy and proud:) 22 more days till I leave for Montreal:)
  3. janbear

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    Bah getting the hair cut short next week...i can't be bothered with putting it up every day and waiting for it to dry. I'll miss it, but meh it's only hair, it'll grow back, and it will certainly be cooler during the summer time. I've shaved my head before and i was mighty cute, but i'm not...
  4. janbear

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    Edmonton has to be alot better...Regina always kicks its ass in the "most violent crimes per capita" category in McLeans magazine. I have never lived in Edmonton, but i've been in Regina most of my life and have had cars stolen, been mugged (dont worry i broke the guy's jaw...he wasn't getting...
  5. janbear

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    Strangest thing...i actually was at that Earls last night, how'd ya know? hahaha. Still, it was gusty...of course it was like 60km/hr winds, so thats probably why! Regina totally is a dirty disgusting city rampant with crime...i won't miss it one bit!!!!
  6. janbear

    Where do you call home?

    Home is a little town southeast of Regina,SK...a little farming community called Milestone...but Regina is home too...sooo not a Riders fan tho...i love the Bombers...maybe i belong in Winnipeg, lol
  7. janbear

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    Just had a few drinks with some friends tonight...seriously Regina must be the windiest city ever...sitting on the patio should have been nice, but nope...damn wind ruined it
  8. janbear

    20 meter Beep Test -Merged

    Oh man running is not my thing...im a bigger girl..not fat, but not small...i just don't wanna be the slowest one and that all i can think of, but im working hard at it. Thankfully im not a smoker, that would make things worse i assume.
  9. janbear


    Oh my 29 more days till BMQ....the excitement is starting to turn into fear....fear of the unknown...it's all pretty real right now...enrolment is on Thursday! Holy crap!
  10. janbear

    29 days and counting...

    Thanks so much! Oh i know im gonna get damn good at running...it just won't be fun!....i'm assuming i'm gonna be in great shape once everything is done...kind of like a fat camp but more yelling, pushups, and rifles, lol I'm super excited to head to Quebec and start my new life...no more...
  11. janbear

    June BMQ- 2009

    June 27th I leave Regina  and start BMQ in St.Jean June 29th:)...man thats so soon...bet i get heat stroke first...i should have waited for a winter course, lol...hope to meet some of you there....im going in for armoured.
  12. janbear

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    I'm being enrolled June 4th in Regina and i was wondering if anyone could tell me how long the ceremony usually lasts? What all happens? I know there is an oath and signing of some papers...anything else really? I'm pretty excited!!!
  13. janbear

    29 days and counting...

    so i had been thinkin of joining the military for years now and since breaking up with the bf i decided it was time since i have nothing holding me back. I filled out all my forms In february and here I am now...exactly 29 days away from basic training. The fear of the unknown is setting in, yet...