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Search results

  1. tgunner

    AEC Officer (what happens if you wash out of training)

    If you fail the AEC course in Cornwall you are RTU (Returned to Unit) and placed on the BLT (Base Training List).  In the past you had up to a year to select a new trade from BLT intake/reassignment list.  I've heard this is only 3 months now.  Either way, each trade has a CFAT requirement and...
  2. tgunner

    Aerospace Control Officers-AEC [merged]

    Yeah P.  Its me!  I e-mailed Aerospaced_out and he was extremely helpful.  You might want to make sure the ULO has your proper grad date.  They still had 2011 for me even though it changed twice...  I think yours changed too?
  3. tgunner

    Aerospace Control Officers-AEC [merged]

    I’m approaching my University grad (Dec 09), and am a UTPNCM AEC.  I'm done IAP/BOTP, but didn't do SLT.  I suspect I will start AEC training in Jan 10. I’m torn between VFR and Weapons.  My questions are: Is it possible for service couples to get OUTCAN postings together.  My wife is a RMS...
  4. tgunner

    RMS QL3 09 Dates

    Reg Force, Air
  5. tgunner

    RMS QL3 09 Dates

    Can someone post the 09 spring/summer/fall schedule for RMS QL3 at CFSAL.  Also if you know what the back log of recruits is (ie length of stay at PRETC)?