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  1. P

    Question regarding Communicator Research Operator and Intelligence Operator

    Oh sorry, kinda just skimmed over at this time about what each job did. I'd really hope not cause in terms of computer skills I've always surpassed my computer science teachers, and they typically admit it. Would be nice to join the forces and actually be taught by the teachers/instructors...
  2. P

    Question regarding Communicator Research Operator and Intelligence Operator

    http://www.forces.ca/en/job/communicatorresearchoperator-29 http://www.forces.ca/en/job/intelligenceoperator-9 Respective links for these jobs above for your own reference. For these two jobs(or any job the forces) I was wondering if my absolute horrid attendance with school is going to cause...
  3. P

    Applying while in school

    That's definently not very reassuring for me... But such is life, thanks for the info. I'll hunt down and read some of those long wait threads
  4. P

    Applying while in school

    I've currently got a semester left of high school until I graduate, I'm wondering if it'd be better to apply now so when I graduate I can leave for the military. I've heard that the wait to get in can be a little while depending on what you choose to go in as so I was wondering if I applied...
  5. P


    Aww I am going to be giving my kitty to my grand mother when I have to leave since I know she loves the little bugger to death as much as me :P
  6. P


    hehe the good thing about wolfdogs is that so far you cannot prove that it is part wolf(As far as I know). It seems like it would be best for a pet if I waited until I have a spouse/family so there would be people it could trust while I am away. Or since it would be part wolf I could always just...
  7. P


    Well I have intentions of getting a wolfdog :D But from what I have read they are very loyal to their owner and don't listen so well to other people heh so I stranger as a pet sitter might not work so well on their part ;-)
  8. P


    So my best bet would be to wait until I get married to have  a pet I guess
  9. P


    So wait were you able to actually take your pet with you on deployment?
  10. P


    I was hoping later on after my training, and then a little while of working for the army, to get a dog but I am concerned that I may not be able to keep him/her. What are some input you guys have towards this?
  11. P

    Communicator Research

    I was wondering about the marks because since about grade 7 I was being pressured to choose a career... We all know at that age most of us don't know what we want to me... Hell I didn't even own a computer at that time. So during high school I made some not so smart decisions and slacked off...
  12. P

    Communicator Research

    Hey there just found this while I was searching for some info on this job. This is probably the best resource I could find.  :) I have a few questions about getting into this. It just seems perfect for me.... I just think I lack a high enough education. I am in high school finishing (hopefully)...