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  1. D

    Mission type and flight time

    I was just hoping all you current and former pilots could share about the types of flying and number of flight hours in a year for the different aircraft. I know the “basic” role each aircraft preforms but I was more wondering exactly whats it like flying that particular aircraft and what you do...
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    Im just finishing up my degree in December too, had to go to school full time all summer to finish in time.
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    I'll be at the January BMOQ, going in as pilot.
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    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    I'm DEO, heading off to BMOQ in January. So for rotp you are added to the bft list after graduation I assume. For DEO is it after SLT or PFT that you're added to the BFT waitlist?
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    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    brian_k, When you say your BFT wait of 1.7 years, is that from being put on the list after SLT or 1.7 years after PFT? Thanks
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    Terms of Service

    I’ve searched numerous old threads on documents but I am still a little confused on what Variable Initial Engagement exactly means. I know that the commitment is 9 years (for pilots) but I have also heard that it is based on how many years to reach an operationally functional point (OFP) plus...
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    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    I was just wondering if during all the wait times before and between flight training would you be able to do some continuing studies towards a masters degree. I understand that OJT is part of the training but say once you have done a year of it is it possible to go work towards a masters degree...
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    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    I was told at my interview last week that SLT was no longer required. I believe the actual requirment is the same as the university degree, it is only required for promotion to major, this is just what I've heard from a couple sources no idea if it's true though. Anyone know if there is truth to...
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    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    gcclarke, Thanks. Yes I should have been more clear, pilot is what I want but MARS is the occupation I would like if I could not enter as a pilot. I would be more then happy to accept reg force MARS after I exhaust all my options for becoming a pilot, im just worried that if I go res MARS that...
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    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    I am planning on going for DEO pilot next spring after I recieve my degree(april 2011), I have heard that serving in the reserves will help my chances of being selected for pilot. I was wondering if anyone knows if this is true or not? Im looking at joining a naval reserve unit for MARS officer...
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    Non-flying pilot tours

    Thanks! I should have worded that differently, I did not mean it in a bad way. Staff postings actualy interest me a lot, just not quite as much as flying. Though I would enjoy either one a great deal. I just figured it would be helpful to learn more about this side of the forces since it is not...
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    Non-flying pilot tours

    I understand that all pilots in the CF will have to endure a couple of non-flying tours in the span of their career. I was just wondering what kind of postings these would be(what kind of stuff do you do) and when abouts they occur? Thanks