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  1. D

    Why Can't Softwoods Be Resolved ?

    GO!!! My post wasn't intended to say that we needed to try and all get along no matter what, it was to try and view the argument from more than one side. Yes we need to take a firm stand on the issues that affect us, and I don't believe that we have truly been doing that as much as we should...
  2. D

    Why Can't Softwoods Be Resolved ?

    From what I've read on the softwood dispute the NAFTA rulings aren't a total vindication of the Canadian position. Essentially what they said was that Canadian softwood is subsidized but the tariffs the Americans implemented were too high. I am in favour of NAFTA, I believe it provides a...
  3. D

    Theater & Continental Balistic Missile Defence . . . and Canada

    With new technology there is always going to be teething problems, especially when the technology is this complex. This however doesn't mean that it is impossible to do. In my opinion we either support the ability to shoot down incoming missiles or we don't, developing the technology capable of...
  4. D

    Annon says Iraq war illegal

    It seems that international law in the UN is made up as they go along. The UN charter alows nations to take military action with Security Council aproval. Since France/Germany/Russia opposed invading Iraq then the war was illegal but if France/Germany/Russia had supported the invasion then all...
  5. D

    Israel must tear down barrier: UN

    I think the wall is a method for the moderates to regain control of the peace process in Israel. There are extremists on both sides which want all of the land for themselves and who view peace as the worst possible outcome. The Palestinians want land for a homeland and the Israelies want...
  6. D

    Wait for it!!! ............ No new white paper....Suprised?

    In the absence of a defense White Paper we seem willing to remove capabilities from the military (ie. getting rid of tanks for LAV's), but not to aquire new ones. Removing  tanks is a big change in policy and we have gone into it without any concrete reason why. It seems that the only time that...