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  1. T.Stacey

    ROTP 2011-2012

    I'm not fully versed on the operation of CFRC's, but I can tell you that everyone's case is handled differently depending on the situation, and I have found from visiting these forums that each CFRC operates differently from coast to coast, so don't worry that your case isn't being handled...
  2. T.Stacey

    ROTP 2011-2012

    I received official word earlier today (approximately 1100hrs NL time) from CFRC St. John's that I have been accepted for ROTP, CivvyU as a Communications and Electronics Engineer (CELE(Air)). Congrats to all others that received offers and good luck to those still waiting!
  3. T.Stacey

    ROTP 2011-2012

    Assuming from the time above you live in St. John's. I know as of yesterday they still hadn't got any official word and therefore could not pass on any information, and the recruiter said it may take a few days, but good luck either way!
  4. T.Stacey

    ROTP 2011-2012

    Thanks Sapper, I figured I'd make sure before I went e-mailing someone all willy-nilly.
  5. T.Stacey

    ROTP 2011-2012

    So I know D Mil C is the Director of Military Careers, but what is the advantage of getting in contact with them as opposed to a CFRC ?
  6. T.Stacey

    ROTP 2011-2012

    I was in contact with CFRC St. Johns late last week (Thursday or Friday) and I was told by the Detachment Commander that as of then they had not received any offers, so it looks as if the East Coast is still waiting.
  7. T.Stacey

    Sequence of events after being Merit Listed?

    That's harsh Stacked, I applied last year too but my file was rejected due to some medical issues I had to get cleared by the doctor, they said I had Asthma, but I was never actually tested to confirm that so this year it was exempt from my medical.
  8. T.Stacey

    Sequence of events after being Merit Listed?

    Okay, thank you, I had a look at some of the Merit List threads already but couldn't really find anything specific, Ill try some different threads then.
  9. T.Stacey

    Sequence of events after being Merit Listed?

    Hi guys, I just found out a few days ago that I have been merit listed. After talking to the recruiter I got a general time line as to when selections would happen (Late March to mid April) and I was wondering if some of you with experience would be able to answer a few questions about the...