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Search results

  1. c_sqn_tanker

    LAV III Mobile Gun System - Status of Purchase?

    Well that is indeed news, I had heard nothing of a freeze put on the purchase prior to block lve anyway.  Last thing we were told was to be ready to receive the MGS at the School in [most likely] early 06.  Well it did take years to get the helicopter deal sorted out............
  2. c_sqn_tanker


    Yes the Cbt Team Comd's crse will be moved to CMTC and Tactics School is following it out there, as far as the crmn manning bill for CMTC I have yet to hear definite numbers, I have heard that what ever the final numbers are 33% of them are to be bi-lingual / franco positions.  They are asking...
  3. c_sqn_tanker

    The DFS Regt & other Future Armoured Regiment ideas

    There is no doubt that the LDSH will be a VERY busy org once CMTC is stood up, there will be crmn posted to CMTC for manning but to what extent I am not aware.  As far as the MGS in Gagetown it will be there for the AGIC and dog and ponies [to the best of my knowledge, which is limited  ;D]...
  4. c_sqn_tanker


    As we are all aware there has been a great lack of funding for postings for quite sometime now.  There is talk that with the loss of the last 8 Leo's we hold that the PY's that The School has held for the manning of the Leo fleet here may be lost, where will those PY's go and though we lose the...
  5. c_sqn_tanker

    Leopards for sale.

    I have heard through the rumour net that there are a few countries sniffing around on the possibility of picking up the Leo's once MGS is here and they go "on the market"? I have not heard of any definite names on who might be interested.
  6. c_sqn_tanker

    LeoC2s for Armoured Reserve

    Lace hit the issue on the head, the Army Res have in the past had and maintained equipment, that is not in question.  The Air Res and Nav Res to the best of my knowledge still trg on more modern equip than the Army Res.  This boils down to the one great deciding factor that is the bane of all...
  7. c_sqn_tanker

    Role of Armour on the new front

    Hello to George, Lance and Dave up in Windsor as well as Dave Mason in Meford, plus a few others I may know as well.  I am very new to the forum [today] as I just heard about it.  I am looking forward to  future posts. The next few years will tell the tale with The Corps, all sorts of ideas and...