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  1. pumpy14

    Pilot and Marijuana

    Now that I think about it, my posts here have all come from me worrying instead of plain old innocent curiosity. I have received plenty of helpful replies, my questions have been answered! I like the directness of the administrators on this forum by the way. So I guess what I'm saying is...
  2. pumpy14

    Pilot and Marijuana

    I wasn't aware of the electroencephalogram  :facepalm: It doesn't look so fun. What could they possibly use the information for? Also, I've never worried so much in my life! I want everything to go as smoothly as possible, sometimes thats not quite so smooth though I guess. Edit: It seems...
  3. pumpy14

    Pilot and Marijuana

    I've been reading some of your posts and you seem very knowledgable on the subject! Now that I realize the mistakes that I have made, I am even more motivated to do my very best! I can't imagine not making it through Aircrew Selection, from why I've read, if they weren't analyzing every little...
  4. pumpy14

    Pilot and Marijuana

    You're right, I don't know how I compare against the other applicants, but if they're that much better then they deserver it! Also, regardless of the odds, I will do my best, and if my best isn't good enough then I'll just have to get better now won't I! Also, I'll be sure to take a look at...
  5. pumpy14

    Pilot and Marijuana

    Thank you justin, if marijuana use was immediately disqualifying then they probably wouldn't have put you through aircrew selection. I hope it all works out for ya! Wizevision, if you smoked marijuana 10 years before you become a pilot, it doesn't affect your performance... Maybe if it was 10...
  6. pumpy14

    Pilot and Marijuana

    Thanks for another reply :P By experience I meant someone who applied for pilot and was told he couldn't because of marijuana, or someone who got accepted as pilot and admitted to prior marijuana use. (or if you know someone with this experience) In the meantime, I will look for ways to...
  7. pumpy14

    Pilot and Marijuana

    Wow that was a quick reply! Less than 2 minutes! I plan on applying a month from now, I want to know what to expect. Unfortunately the recruiting office is a bit of a drive from where I live, and my cell phone contract expired... (waiting for the next iPhone before I renew the contract lol, if...
  8. pumpy14

    Pilot and Marijuana

    Is it possible to become a pilot in the canadian forces if you've smoked marijuana before? Even if you've been clean for years and were never addicted? I know I'd be a good candidate, but marijuana use in the past is the only bad thing on my application. Also, I have looked around on the forums...
  9. pumpy14

    Security clearance and interviews

    http://Forums.Army.ca/forums/threads/70567/post-671034.html#msg671034 This is a link to a topic that answers most of my questions. They told this individual to come back in 3 months, whereas most on this forum seem to be told to come back in 6. I'm just stressed about the amount of months they...
  10. pumpy14

    Security clearance and interviews

    I have read some posts where people were accepted and put on hold, some where people were told to come back in 6 months, and some where people had there applications on hold by the recruiting office. Every answer seems different, does anyone have experience with ROTP applications specifically...
  11. pumpy14

    Security clearance and interviews

    Unfortunately, I made some mistakes in my teenage years. I smoked marijuana a few times a month for 6 months on and off during grade 11. I stopped around halfway through the month of April, because I realized it would affect my future career path. I plan on applying for ROTP and I will be...
  12. pumpy14

    ROTP/RMC Application - Interesting high school marks!

    This is my first post on Army.ca, so if I'm doing something obviously wrong that I have failed to see feel free to tell me! Also, I'd like to say that this forum is very helpful and impressive. THE SITUATION: (its kinda long, but worth reading!) ;) So here is my situation. I have always been...