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Search results

  1. iwishiflewplanes

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    Has any else not received an email yet? My hope is that some recruiting centres are simply faster than others. Am I just a worry wart?  ::)
  2. iwishiflewplanes

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    Thanks. That was the choice that made most sense.
  3. iwishiflewplanes

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    Just a question for those in High School who have applied; When filling out the online questionnaire, are you supposed to submit your education information as if you have already completed high school? Or are you supposed to include it as "Completed Grade 11" and let the recruiter assume that...