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  1. A

    Guys, I really need some advice about joining. Badly.

    Alright, so I'm 20 years old, almost 21, and have probably come to a point that I think most people come to in their lives, what should I do. Basically like most younger people that I know I finished High School and went out into the workforce not quite sure what I wanted to do, but just doing...
  2. A

    Animal/Human Hybrids??

    You need to watch it with the genetic engineering sometimes those crappy genes you have do something that they wouldn't think. There was something I saw on the discovery channel I believe that explained it in the form of some genetic disease that these people have, I forget the place but it was...
  3. A

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    This has been an interesting read so far, but I have to think that your all getting pretty old.   We spent the majority of Highschool learning about Europe/WW1/WW2 and some of you have it bang on while some seem to have a rather anti american view that over shadows the truth.   Would you have...