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  1. V

    Non-Effective Strength (NES): Minimum Attendance

    A friend and I are trying to settle an argument and I was hoping that one of you could answer.   How part time are the Reserves?    Is there a required number of sessions you have to attend a month?? and what happens if you want to go travelling and such?? -Vercingetorix
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    how long does the paperwork take??

    So I've been waiting for a month now for the phone call from the local recruiting centre to set up a day for the various tests.  I've applied to the Seaforth Highlanders and would like to try to get in in time for summer training, is there any way to speed this up without pissing people off...
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    Ceasar Against the Celts

              This book is one that I recomend to anyone who is looking for an interesting histori read.  Don;t think that it's a boring book, far from it; it's actually quite a fun read.  The author goes in depth detail talking a bit about all the major celtic campaigns of ceasars, from the bridge...
  4. V

    How Soon After Enrollement Can You Be Deployed Overseas

        Thanks for the comments guys!  ( P.S. hey paracowboy I think your the only one to have understood the name and history ) -cheers -vercingetorix  
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    How Soon After Enrollement Can You Be Deployed Overseas

        O.K. so now I'm in the propcess of being accepted into the Reserves, and would eventually like to sign onto a U.N. peace keeping mission.  I was told by the recruiter in my hometown, that you put your name on a tour list and eventually when they need you, they pull your name up.    But then...
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    Reserve physical test

      Cool thanks for the feedback guys, I didn't hink I needed more work on the upper vody, but I'll take it from the guys that know the best, Thanks again.
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    Reserve physical test

      O.k., so this thursday I"ll be applying for the Seaforth Highlanders Reserves.  I just finished my self medical and did the 2.4 Km i 10 min. 32 sec. -push-ups, 30 and sit-ups, 22. How's this for someone who just swims and bikes for exercise ( I also play Soccer) but I havn't started a work...
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    Tom Clancy

            "Hunt for red October"...first and LASt good clancy book!!         Hey Ghost Walk, I'm going to use that quote,( let me know if you got it form someone else) "Tom Clancy is what I refer to as a Military Pornographer" hehehe that had me in stitches for a while.         "Patriot games"...
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    "Shake hands With the Devil"

          O.K I literally just finished reading this book about 5 minutes ago and decided that I had to write something about this book in this forum.          To start off with, I'm forcing at least 3 of my friends to read this book.  It is truly amazing the amount of patience that Lt.Gen Romeo...
  10. V

    Medical test, what are they screening for??

      O.K. so after doing some extensive reading of everyone's replies, regarding my first and second post, I'm gathering that as long as I admit straight up to have smoked pot a few weeks ago, (stressing that this is not a common thing) and saying that other drug use is not even an issue with me...
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    Medical test, what are they screening for??

    o.k., granted the urine test is most likely for drug use, but I can't been the only person to apply for the reserves that has smoked marijuana. (especially in B.C.) Can the local recruiting officer turn me down on the spot if I mention to him this incident??? I think I'll have to be straight up...
  12. V

    How hard is the Reserve Apptitude test???

          I'm joining the reserves soon (will try at least) and am putting alot of eggs into this basket.  I've already made out my fall plans to accomodate for this new schedule.  I've resigned from a few organizations to do this in preperation, but am now worried about the testing. After reading a...
  13. V

    Medical test, what are they screening for??

    Hi there, I have a quik question and hopefully someone can answer this.   I have my papers all filed out and my reference letters done, everything is ready to hand into the recruitment officers, except I know that there is a urine drug test.  Stupidly enough on my part , when a friend came...