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  1. M

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Congratulations on the new acceptances, if you haven't already, join the Facebook game for RMC 2020... The link is on the previous page!
  2. M

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Hey guys, just thought I'd post a little update on the situation... So I called my recruiting center to confirm where I will be attending and it will be Kingston for 4 years and they changed my course date for BMOQ mod 1 on the 11th of July now and not the 27th of June. Gives me an extra 2...
  3. M

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    I contacted my Recruiter for confirmation of where I'll be going, thank you for your quick response!
  4. M

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    I am graduating french High school this year with my bilingual diploma and I'm in Ontario and I have all the prerequisites for the program, why would I have to go to Prep year?
  5. M

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    From my understandings, this is not applicable this year. I was told I was going to RMC in Kingston and I have the June 27th course date so unless they told me false information I wouldn't worry about it.
  6. M

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Matt, if you're planning on applying for next year, no one can really give you an exact number for how competitive it really is, as it changes everywhere depending on the applicants to those respective programs, also depends how many positions they are planning to give out that year. From my...
  7. M

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Congratulations to all those who've recently gotten the phone call! So far their is 3 different BMOQ start dates 27th ,4th, 11th! Excited to see you all there and at RMC! For those who are still waiting, be patient, you'll get it soon!  [:D
  8. M

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Just wanted to take the time and wish everyone a Happy Easter! :)
  9. M

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Deadline was the 31st of January, you'll have to wait until 2017/2018. Best of luck!
  10. M

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Fiji_Boy_ glad your interview went well! Hoping you fill up one of those 7 spots left!  [:D
  11. M

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    According to the CF site, it says that the early acceptance have been handed out since early September so from that I gather it's whenever your application reaches the merit list and they make a decision based on your overall score... Maxime
  12. M

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    I appreciate the quick response, now that you mention it, I do recall reading that on the CF website. Busy summer ahead, I face it with much excitement.
  13. M

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Thanks for the support everyone, I was merit listed the 21st of January if that helps anyone with the timeline... I'm looking forward to seeing you guys there! Stay positive and you'll get the call soon  [:) ... Curious for those who have experience with the process, if my basic training is on...
  14. M

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Since I've  been waiting so long to hear someone got accepted, I feel quite honored to say that I got a call from my recruitment center (Hamilton) and have been accepted to RMC as an HCA for this coming fall, basic will start the 27th of June and I'm very excited to hear who will be coming with...
  15. M

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Hello all, I've noticed the lack of comments on this section as well so figured I'd stop reading and start being apart of the party :). I was merit listed on the 21st of January and still awaiting a responce as well! Hoping all goes well, from what the recruitment office explained they started...