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  1. V

    The "Nursing Officer" Merged Thread

    Curious at to  :cdn: :cdn:what pay level a nursing officer starts at? A,B,C ect..... Is it considered a spec trade? Currently going through the UTPNCM program and just curious on what my pay will be like. Thanks :cdn:
  2. V

    University Training Plan NCM (UTPNCM) 2005 - 2018 [Merged]

    I'm UTPNCM, I was told from Ottawa my posting message would be out last week with a COS 15 AUG. No posting message yet :) But I have no move to make so I'm good.
  3. V

    University Training Plan NCM (UTPNCM) 2005 - 2018 [Merged]

    What if your class registration does not open up until Aug!! So I already sent them my acceptance, the BPSO forwarded for me, this isn't what they want? Who did you contact? Thanks
  4. V

    University Training Plan NCM (UTPNCM) 2005 - 2018 [Merged]

    I'm currently a Cpl, selected for commissioning via UTP. Will become an OCdt first? Is this correct? Does anyone know when the promotion to 2Lt occurs? Thanks
  5. V

    University Training Plan NCM (UTPNCM) 2005 - 2018 [Merged]

    I received my message today for Nursing Officer via UTPNCM :) Good luck to all
  6. V

    University Training Plan NCM (UTPNCM) 2005 - 2018 [Merged]

    This is for all the UTPNCM hopefulls that have applied for the 2016 year. What MOC have you appled for? Have you heard any response yet? Is this you first year applying to the program? Any inside information that might help other 2016 hopefuls? I've applied for nursing and this is my first...