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Search results

  1. Megalomanic

    Torn diaphram, wants to join CF, needs advice

    I don't know how I did it. I haven't broken any ribs before. I was always really active. Paintballing and rollarbladeing. One week I was fine, the next I was crippled over in pain. When I get back to Canada I'll go to a Doctor and get tests done. Running was always my strong point up till about...
  2. Megalomanic

    Torn diaphram, wants to join CF, needs advice

    Thanks for the hard truth guys. I'm not looking for medals, fame or glory. I'd even be happy being a cook in the CF (and I am a great cook, if I do say so myself) -Joel
  3. Megalomanic

    Torn diaphram, wants to join CF, needs advice

    Thanks for the quick responce!!!!! I posted about it on a medical forum (non-military) They gave 3 options. 1 - It will heal 2 - It can be stretched from use and not tighten up 3 - I'm stuck with it. It's an old injury. It hasn't healed and I haven't been able to improve my run time past 7...
  4. Megalomanic

    Torn diaphram, wants to join CF, needs advice

    Hello all, I am a talented and proud Canadian, who would like to serve my country in any position needed. But I have a problem running because of a torn diaphragm. Aside from that I am in excellent shape and have no problems with long distance walking. I still gone running, but have to stop and...