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27, MBA, B.Comm Econ, CFA - Fin. Logistics?


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Amazing site, great community, and lots of useful info! You all should be proud of helping to build this forum one post at a time.

I am here in need of some input on my situation. The title says it all regarding my age and ecudation, but I really wonder what my competitive stance is in regard to the rest of the candidate pool for BOTP Logistics this year. The trade was closed pre-April 1st and now it's open with "limited places". I have limited experience in the finance industry (mainly sales). I graduated last June, and I do know quite a bit about financial management since that was what my MBA was all about. I do know from this site that the BOTP is geared towards recent university grads.

I did the CFAT in January. I guess I passed it and am scheduled for the medical as well. I am just putting my situation out here for more experienced people to comment on and possibly provide me with advice on what to expect. Perhaps even enlighten me on what my chances are. Maybe even highlight some of the advantages that set me apart from the competition, too. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Get in - learn the ropes - work hard and 5 years from now people will be flagging you for $$$$$$$$$$$ management at the top

Or ...... DND is always recruiting Budget cutters - you`d do well spending or slashing! :)

Good luck - you`ve certainly proved you can learn
Well, Logistics closed may 1st and I am not being considered for it.

As a result I sat down with family and came up with a list of 9 other trades I can serve my country as an officer. When i went to the recruitment center with the list the next day, the officer worked through the list and we picked 3 choices that were viable.

1) Pilot (I qualify)
2) MARS (5 spots open three weeks ago - probably closed now)
3) Aerospace control (I qualify)

The recruitment officer said that Pilot will be open because it is in demand. I already did my basic medical and have yet to do the Air medical because they are reviewing my laser eye surgery form. I understand that I won't be flying a plane full-time for about 7 years and that's ok with me.
jb_008 said:
Well, Logistics closed may 1st and I am not being considered for it.

As a result I sat down with family and came up with a list of 9 other trades I can serve my country as an officer. When i went to the recruitment center with the list the next day, the officer worked through the list and we picked 3 choices that were viable.

1) Pilot (I qualify)
2) MARS (5 spots open three weeks ago - probably closed now)
3) Aerospace control (I qualify)

The recruitment officer said that Pilot will be open because it is in demand. I already did my basic medical and have yet to do the Air medical because they are reviewing my laser eye surgery form. I understand that I won't be flying a plane full-time for about 7 years and that's ok with me.
MARS will probably still have spots open - the trade is very short.  I also have a BComm and went MARS many years ago with no regrets.  The thrill of being on the bridge and driving a 5000 ton ship never gets old.
Lex Parsimoniae said:
The thrill of being on the bridge and driving a 5000 ton ship never gets old.

True, but I don't miss the middle watch one little bit.

Well it's another middle watch, another hair upon my chest
Just an hour or two 'til I can go and get some rest
The morning, dogs or afternoon, the forenoon or the first
Well there's none of them comes easy, but the middle is the worst

Tom Lewis
So do they consider me for all trades at once? Or do they process Pilot first, then if I don't make that for some reason, they start processing me for MARS, etc...?
jb_008 said:
Well, Logistics closed may 1st and I am not being considered for it.

As a result I sat down with family and came up with a list of 9 other trades I can serve my country as an officer. When i went to the recruitment center with the list the next day, the officer worked through the list and we picked 3 choices that were viable.

1) Pilot (I qualify)
2) MARS (5 spots open three weeks ago - probably closed now)
3) Aerospace control (I qualify)

The recruitment officer said that Pilot will be open because it is in demand. I already did my basic medical and have yet to do the Air medical because they are reviewing my laser eye surgery form. I understand that I won't be flying a plane full-time for about 7 years and that's ok with me.

I interviewed for MARS on May 6th and was informed that although there were 5 spots open they wouldn't be awarded until after the NOAB - the next of which is apparently scheduled for July. 

I'm not letting myself get bent out of shape about the number of spots left, especially since it's the position I really want!
Alright. So, here's the scoop so far.

I am still being considered for pilot, which there are 49 spots still open.
My eyes were tested thoroughly at a private eye clinic (at the expense of the forces).
I did the ECG for my heart, lung X-ray, blood and urine test at the base in St. Jean.

The Opthamologist who examined my eyes said there were no problems and that I should be ok for pilot. But she admitted the decision wasn't up to her. Regardless, good news on that part.
The tech who did my ECG said the same thing - that my heart looks fine and healthy.
As for the lungs, well I jog 7-10km 3 times a week, so they should be alright.
Blood test should hopefully come back fine. I don't do drugs and I don't drink, but I did have a shepard's pie the afternoon before... It was before the time I was required to fast, so I guess I'll be ok. I just hope it doesn't throw off my cholesterol level :O My mom's a nurse, she said it wouldn't be a problem, LOL.

So all this was done and completed on Tuesday the 15th. They told me they would send the results to the recruitment center in Mtl. I personally delivered the eye results the same day to the recruitment center.

Has anyone here on this forum been this far in the selection process for Pilot? If so, how many weeks after the tests were completed did you get to move on to the next step? What is the next step, an interview or a physical fitness test? Thanks for reading!

Here is the Application Process Samples thread:


Reply #1873 is my update showing the dates for the different stages. You could also search for other pilot samples within that thread to give you an idea. In addition, here is the "So you want to be a pilot...." thread:


There is a ton of info there.

If I remember correctly, after having the interview and medical completed, I was scheduled for Aircrew Selection in Trenton (Simulators) and Toronto (Medical). It was a few weeks before I was given the dates for the Aircrew Selection though. Once that was completed, my file went to the selection board and I received my offer in the end of March, pending my security clearance and Aircrew Medical Factor 1 being attained. In total it was 4.5 months from my initial application until I was offered a position. As for a physical fitness test, that is not done during the application process for Reg force applicants. It is done during the first week of BMOQ (CF EXPRES test).
Nice info, thanks :)

I forgot to ask one VERY important question, though!

If I am being considered for pilot, am I only being considered for roles where I sit in a cockpit? When you say "AirCrew selection", to me that sounds like roles other than pilot.
jb_008 said:
If I am being considered for pilot, am I only being considered for roles where I sit in a cockpit?

Where else would the pilot sit??  ;)

I don't know for certain what trades need to go through Aircrew selection, but I know that the pilot and ACSO trades require it. While at Aircrew selection they asked me if I wanted to write the ACSO written exams, which I declined. In hindsight I probably should have written them.

If pilot is the trade you are pursuing, then that is the trade you are being screened for. Is it possible that if you fail Aircrew Selection for pilot, but pass the requirements for ACSO, that you will be informed of this and asked if you would like to add ACSO to your trade list? I have absolutely no clue.
2010newbie said:
Where else would the pilot sit??  ;)

How about the ground control station of a UAV.........

I don't know for certain what trades need to go through Aircrew selection,

Pilot and ACSO. Thats it.
Given my progress in the selection process for Pilot, and my credientials, how likely is it that I will be offered a career as a pilot?

How many people pass the AirCrew Selection simulator test?
jb_008 said:
how likely is it that I will be offered a career as a pilot?

Your chances are as good as anyone else.

How many people pass the AirCrew Selection simulator test?

It will vary from serial to serial. Not very useful information.
So the forces spending money on me to do the tests doesn't mean that I am a good candidate?
jb_008 said:
So the forces spending money on me to do the tests doesn't mean that I am a good candidate?

Nope. It means you are a candidate.
jb_008 said:
Given my progress in the selection process for Pilot, and my credientials, how likely is it that I will be offered a career as a pilot?

How many people pass the AirCrew Selection simulator test?

You really should search for some of the information before posting the questions. There is tons of info on the Aircrew Selection Course in these forums.



As CDN Aviator said, the pass rate varies from course to course. On my course the pass rate was 47%. About 60% of the candidates had previous flight experience. There were people with PPL's that failed and there were people with no flight experience that passed.

I'm getting tired of waiting for all of my medical files to come through. It's been two weeks now since I completed all my tests and they are still waiting (for some odd reason) for me to deliver files to the recruitment center. I delivered my eye exam results in person and the ECG, lung X-ray, blood, and urine tests were to be sent by the base to the recruiting center. I am also not looking forward to the 7 years of learning I will have to do to become a Pilot.

I want to serve my country as an officer, asap.

That being said, would a more appropriate route be to tell the forces to stop considering me for pilot and focus on MARS instead?

Can I apply to the reserves in the meantime?

jb_008 said:
I'm getting tired of waiting for all of my medical files to come through. It's been two weeks


I am also not looking forward to the 7 years of learning I will have to do to become a Pilot.

Great attitude to start with.  ::)

I want to serve my country as an officer, asap.

asap = when the selection process has run its course and you have been selected. Until then........