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31 CBG Reserve Recruting frozen?! Bummer!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter a_user
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Im looking to see if anyone else has insight into 31 CBG freezing all hiring for at least the combat arms trades for the year? I have spoken with a couple of the regular force members manning Btl. HQ and support and I have not been able to get a solid answer but in inquiring about the 1st Hussars, 31 CER (The Elgins) or RCR 4th Batallion it seems that hiring for these units have been frozen for the year. Does that seem accurate? I am aware of the overflow in 031 but what about 011 and 043??

Thanks for any insight.
Did you Inquire "about" or "at" the units you mentioned? 

If it is the first of the two then you need to pick up the phone and call those units on their parade night to find out if they are recruiting.  Or you can even drop down to your local recruiting center (if you have one) and ask them.  Heresay is not helpful.

Good luck.
31 BDE units have not yet been given confirmed recruiting numbers for  this fiscal year. When they are confirmed, they will be limited.

Watch and shoot.


I talked to someone from 31 cbg (support?) hq unit in london. he stated there was a hiring freeze for a year on the combat arms units for most of if not all rcr at least currently in london area as i understood it.

The london recruiting center are who suggested i contact the units directly. Unfortunately, "calling" the local units, you get bounced around like 2-3 times trying to get in touch with someone who is actually involved with the unit recruiting. The phone numbers the units have posted on their websites seem to be inaccurate for the most part.
Thanks for the info. Any idea on when the available spots will be known? I will try and follow-up with the unit recruiter this thursday night to try and get sure fire answer. Just the individual I spoke with earlier sounded to know exactly what the current situation was, but admittedly he was not in the unit.

Steel Badger said:
31 BDE units have not yet been given confirmed recruiting numbers for  this fiscal year. When they are confirmed, they will be limited.

Watch and shoot.


Here's what happens:

You do your recruiting center crap (medical, fitness etc)

CFRC sends a liason officer to contact the reserve unit and they figure out about the demand of the trades and see if there is a job offer for you.

There most likely won't be any openings for you until 2011.

If you want to be in join as another occupation. You can always change occupations later. Plus you might get something very useful such as Sigs qualifications and then when you go over to infantry you'd be highly valuable. Over here people flip flop occupations all the time.
SevenSixTwo said:
Here's what happens:

You do your recruiting center crap (medical, fitness etc)

CFRC sends a liason officer to contact the reserve unit and they figure out about the demand of the trades and see if there is a job offer for you.

There most likely won't be any openings for you until 2011.

If you want to be in join as another occupation. You can always change occupations later. Plus you might get something very useful such as Sigs qualifications and then when you go over to infantry you'd be highly valuable. Over here people flip flop occupations all the time.

Where did you get this information from? You don't go through the recruiting process (medical, fitness etc) for a Reserve unit unless they have an opening. You just can't flip flop around occupations, and units, willy nilly. Especially in areas that only have one or two Reserve Units. There is also a process that needs to be done to change units and trades. How do you know that there will be no opportunities until 2011 in his area?

I think you ought stay in your lanes and only talk about things that you know about.

Milnet.ca Staff
As Recceguy said: "I think you ought stay in your lanes and only talk about things that you know about."

This is complete garbage:

SevenSixTwo said:
Here's what happens:

You do your recruiting center crap (medical, fitness etc)

CFRC sends a liason officer to contact the reserve unit and they figure out about the demand of the trades and see if there is a job offer for you.

There most likely won't be any openings for you until 2011.

If you want to be in join as another occupation. You can always change occupations later. Plus you might get something very useful such as Sigs qualifications and then when you go over to infantry you'd be highly valuable. Over here people flip flop occupations all the time.

As has been stated so many times before on this site: 


You approach the Reserve unit you would like to join.

If they have any openings and you are a suitable prospect they will give you a "Letter of Acceptance".

You will take that letter down to the CFRC and include it with your application forms.

The CFRC will only accept one such letter, so DO NOT visit several units and bring in several letters.  Bring in only the one letter from the unit you intend on joining.

The CFRC will process all your documentation, conduct the CFAT testing, the Medical, PT testing and interview.  When your file is complete, it will be sent to the Reserve unit for your enrollment.  Once you have been enrolled, and you have signed on the dotted line, the proper documents are sent back to the CFRC for closure and you are a member of that Reserve unit.
The information I posted is correct.

If there is an issue with the #'s of recruits that can be taken in they will send or task a liason officer to find out about job openings. They only do not do this when the reserve units need people badly.

Same thing happened to myself years ago.

Flip-Flopping: People literally do it all the time here unless they are fully quald. I have seen someone go Sup Tech, to Veh Tech to Inf in one unit to Inf in another unit in a span of 9 months.

Also, I know for a fact that most infantry units/combat arms in 31 CBG will not be accepting applicants until 2011 unless they have one or two spots. Otherwise they would still be processed in.
Really?  You are a Recruiter, or have the training to be one?

Units will inform the CFRC as to what openings they have.  Unit Recruiters usually attend periodic meetings with the staff at the CFRCs to keep up to date. 

The CFRC can not and does not enrole, nor transfer people to other Reserve units.  As I stated, a prospect must have a "Letter of Acceptance" from a Reserve unit in order to be processed through the CFRC.  Without that letter, the CFRC will not process their application.  The Reserve unit, by giving a prospect that letter, is telling the CFRC that they do have a position for the prospect to fill.

SevenSixTwo said:
Here's what happens:

You do your recruiting center crap (medical, fitness etc)

CFRC sends a liason officer to contact the reserve unit and they figure out about the demand of the trades and see if there is a job offer for you.

There most likely won't be any openings for you until 2011.

If you want to be in join as another occupation. You can always change occupations later. Plus you might get something very useful such as Sigs qualifications and then when you go over to infantry you'd be highly valuable. Over here people flip flop occupations all the time.

As George has stated... please stay in your lanes.

Point of interest: We at CFRC do NOT send out a "liasion officer" to Reserve units. We use Alexander Graham Bell's spiffy invention.... the far away talking device.....

As far as "knowing for a fact" that the units in 31 BDE will only have 1 or 2 spots each, you must be the BDE COMD as the units themselves have not been informed of their numbers as of yet......  nor has CFRC Hamilton.
Steel Badger said:
As far as "knowing for a fact" that the units in 31 BDE will only have 1 or 2 spots each, you must be the BDE COMD as the units themselves have not been informed of their numbers as of yet......  nor has CFRC Hamilton.

Maybe he is?  But since he has absolutely no info filled out in his/her profile we will never know!! (HINT HINT)
Well unless he can prove his 'facts' by source or who he is, I'll continue to call bullshit on his stuff. Right now it's just rumour and conjecture and maybe 'well, it happened to me like that' stuff.

Forum members should take what SevenSixTwo says with a grain of salt as his posts aren't credible.

Milnet.ca Staff
a_user said:
Unfortunately, "calling" the local units, you get bounced around like 2-3 times trying to get in touch with someone who is actually involved with the unit recruiting. The phone numbers the units have posted on their websites seem to be inaccurate for the most part.

Having been a recruiter in a 31 CBG Unit; I can offer a bit of an explination for this.... Kind of.

Due to budget restrictions, PRes units don't usually have a specific "unit recruiter". Rather, this task is coupled with a full time Class B position or done by someone on a part time basis.  The best advice is to get in contact with the Orderly Rooms (main office) or the Training / Operations NCO for the unit as they are the ones who generally deal with recruiting.

Honestly, your best bet is to go and visit the unit you're interested in directly on a training night.  CFRC detachments will have the correct phone numbers for the units (or at least they should, since we have to interact regularly); just request the number and call the unit for a time to come in.  This way, you will be able to see exactly what the unit does and there will be a greater chance of someone being there who can answer your questions directly.

As for the process... unless things have changed in the last year or so (and I don't think they have), here's how it's done;
- visit unit recruiter (or whoever is doing it) for the unit you want to join.
- if they have a position available, they will give you an application package.
- Complete the package and return with it, and all other required info (they'll tell you what else you need), to the unit recruiter
- wait for phone call from CFRC to set up all other appointments
The unit recruiter will submit your file to CFRC (usually via Brigade recruiter), and the CFRC takes over from there.

For those in the know; if the above process has changed in the last year, let me know... as far as I know, this is how my unit does it (at least when we have positions.)

Either way, just contact the units directly... and good luck.  I hope all goes well for you.

The biggest challenge is the acutal # of recruit vacancies allocated to the unit. 

Much to my disappointment we have been authorized to hire 5 recruits for FY 10/11.

Life is challenging.
RHFC_piper said:
For those in the know; if the above process has changed in the last year, let me know... as far as I know, this is how my unit does it (at least when we have positions.)

Spot on Piper!