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9 Aug - National Peacekeepers’ Day

The Bread Guy

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PM's message in anticipation:
“Canadian families enjoy a freedom, stability and security envied throughout the world. Yet with that freedom comes responsibility and Canada has consistently answered the call to help those in countries where conflict threatens stability and peace. Today, we pay special tribute to those Canadians who have served as peacekeepers.

“For over 60 years, Canada has sent members of the Canadian Forces, civilians and police officers to act as peacekeepers in some of the world’s most volatile conflict zones, including the Middle East, the Balkans, Africa and Haiti, to name a few.

Today, these brave Canadians continue to put their lives at risk on a daily basis as they work in challenging circumstances to maintain what is often a fragile peace.

“Danger comes with the territory and today we also pay special tribute to the over 200 Canadians who have made the ultimate sacrifice on peacekeeping missions over the past 62 years.

“The nature of peacekeeping continues to change and increasingly requires robust and multi-faceted capabilities. However, we can be sure that Canadian peacekeepers will continue working to make the world a better place by promoting freedom, human rights, and the rule of law.

“On National Peacekeeper’s Day, I am proud to recognize the ongoing work of Canadian peacekeepers as they promote these noble objectives.”

Background information on National Peacekeepers' Day.

Old discussion on this one here:
I'll keep it in mind...I'm glad that there is a day set aside for this, just pity there isn't a place like there is in Ottawa to hold it. 

Well, the Government of Ontario is taking an interesting message approach to this....
Ontario is marking National Peacekeepers' Day by paying tribute to community safety professionals, including police officers and correctional services staff, who have engaged in peacekeeping missions.

Civilian peace officers are essential to maintain order in troubled regions alongside traditional military peacekeepers. The professionalism of Ontario's community safety personnel makes them ideal candidates to help keep the peace in volatile situations and participate in restoring stability.

August 9 was chosen as National Peacekeepers' Day to honour nine Canadian peacekeepers who died on that date in 1974, when their aircraft was downed by three surface-to-air missiles over Syria.


More than 400 community safety professionals including Ontario Provincial Police and local police officers, and correctional services staff have participated in peacekeeping missions in the last 10 years.

At present there are 215 Canadian police officers participating in international policing missions including Ontario officers deployed in the Sudan, Haiti and the Hague, where they are providing assistance to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.
Ontario's latest message for National Peacekeepers' Day:
Ontario is marking National Peacekeeper's Day to pay tribute to the province's community safety professionals who serve in international peacekeeping missions.

The police officers and correctional services staff who serve alongside traditional military peacekeepers are essential in maintaining safety and stability in troubled regions around the world. Their guidance, dedication and professionalism help restore peace and stability following conflict.

Today's date was chosen as National Peacekeepers' Day to honour nine Canadian peacekeepers who died on August 9, 1974, when three missiles downed their aircraft over Syria.


    More than 400 community safety professionals, including OPP and local police officers, correctional officers, and probation and parole officers have participated in peacekeeping missions in the last 10 years.
    Over 200 Canadian police officers are participating in international policing missions, including Ontario officers deployed in the Sudan, Haiti, Palestinian Territories and Afghanistan ....
Source:  Ontario government news release, 9 Aug 11 - VAC background on the day here.
Today is National Peacekeepers Day. It was chosen to honour the deaths of 9 Peacekeepers killed in the line of duty on 9 August 1974 when their Buffalo aircraft (115461) flying from Beirut, Lebanon to Damascus, Syria was shot down by a Syrian surface-to-air missile, The Syrians claim it was an accident in that the Buffalo had shown up on their radar as an Israeli enemy aircraft in an ‘attack profile’ heading towards Damascus. The Buffalo crashed near the village of Diemas, Lebanon. It was the worst loss of Canadian Peacekeepers in one incident.

Killed were:
Captain George Foster, 442 Transport and Rescue Squadron, born Calgary, AB
Captain Keith Mirau, 424 Transport and Rescue Squadron, born Swift Current, SK
Captain Robert Wicks, 424 Transport and Rescue Squadron, born London, ON
Master Warrant Officer Cyril Korejwo, The Royal Canadian Regiment, born Czarne, Poland
Master Warrant Officer Gaston Landry, Royal 22e Régiment, born St-Francois d’Assisse, QC
Master Corporal Ron Spencer, 424 Transport and Rescue Squadron, born Montreal, QC
Corporal Morris Kennington, Logistics Branch, born Cornwall, England
Corporal Michael Simpson, Logistics Branch, born Toronto, ON
Corporal Bruce Stringer, 424 Transport and Rescue Squadron, born Kitchener, ON

Tragically this is not the only loss of life that occurred while serving as Peacekeepers, around 130 CAF personnel have been killed on Peacekeeping missions with many more suffering physical and mental injuries.

Today is National Peacekeepers Day. It was chosen to honour the deaths of 9 Peacekeepers killed in the line of duty on 9 August 1974 when their Buffalo aircraft (115461) flying from Beirut, Lebanon to Damascus, Syria was shot down by a Syrian surface-to-air missile, The Syrians claim it was an accident in that the Buffalo had shown up on their radar as an Israeli enemy aircraft in an ‘attack profile’ heading towards Damascus. The Buffalo crashed near the village of Diemas, Lebanon. It was the worst loss of Canadian Peacekeepers in one incident.

Killed were:
Captain George Foster, 442 Transport and Rescue Squadron, born Calgary, AB
Captain Keith Mirau, 424 Transport and Rescue Squadron, born Swift Current, SK
Captain Robert Wicks, 424 Transport and Rescue Squadron, born London, ON
Master Warrant Officer Cyril Korejwo, The Royal Canadian Regiment, born Czarne, Poland
Master Warrant Officer Gaston Landry, Royal 22e Régiment, born St-Francois d’Assisse, QC
Master Corporal Ron Spencer, 424 Transport and Rescue Squadron, born Montreal, QC
Corporal Morris Kennington, Logistics Branch, born Cornwall, England
Corporal Michael Simpson, Logistics Branch, born Toronto, ON
Corporal Bruce Stringer, 424 Transport and Rescue Squadron, born Kitchener, ON

Tragically this is not the only loss of life that occurred while serving as Peacekeepers, around 130 CAF personnel have been killed on Peacekeeping missions with many more suffering physical and mental injuries.

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and a couple coppers too in Haiti. if earthquakes killing you on deployment counts......