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A question about snipers and sniping. pls try to answer.

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I actually have 2 question but the main one is about sniping. I want to join to canadian army and become a sniper. I am right handed so I hold my right on the trigger and hold the front part of the gun with my left hand. I think you can picture what I'm talking about. Now the thing is I aim with my left eye and not my right eye like most people. I do that because I have a small vision problem on my right eye and can't see clearly everything in the distance. I am very comfortable with hold the trigger with my right hand and looking through the scope with my left eye. Now I don't know if it's allowed to shoot a gun like that because of some reson and do i need to learn to hold the trigger with my left hand and also look through the scope with my left eye. For me adjusting to holdng the sniper differently would take some time. Is it possible to wear glasses or contact lenses or is it ok to keep aiming the way I am.

My 2nd question is how fit do u have to be to succeed in the army. Could you answer this in the form of how many push ups and sit ups would have to be capable to do.   I'm still in highschool so I got time to get in shape.

Thanks for reading this.   :salute:

Check that first

Everyone wants to be a sniper..
First, there is a lot more to being a sniper than shooting a rifle. It's nothing like the movies or video games. It's intense, grueling, mind-numbing work. Everybody thinks it's "cool", and every military site gets about a dozen or so of these every few months. It annoys the regular members. I'd strongly suggest Searching for your answers. They can be found quite quickly.

Shooting is a fraction of it.   You must be a very good shot but getting into place without being seen and observing are the primary goals.   Information gathering are the primary goals of a sniper.   Debatable I suppose.   Not being one I suppose that's all I say but I have spoken with a number of them.
As mentioned to all ninja snipers concern yourself with passing BMQ/SQ/BIQ then the Recce patrolman crse first.

you will find a number of sniper related threads linked from the Infantry FAQ found here, scrol down to the section titled "Snipers":

Infantry FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21131.0.html

As for fitness requirements on enrolment, see page 12 of this brochure:


You will also find a number of fitness threads in the Recruiting FAQ here:

Recruiting FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html

Welcome to Army.ca, I would also suggest a review of this thread:

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

especially this post at the end - FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412
EVERYONE wants to be a sniper! Why? Because of all the army movies! It looks so 'cool' and stuff. It's a lot harder than what you think. I know because I know an ex sniper and have heard a few stories.

I will say now, it's a f*ck of a lot harder than what you ALL think.(People looking to become snipers that is). YOu can say, Oh I understand it's gonna be hard... from what I can gather, it's harder than you'll ever imagine. It's still cool though :p

As for being a right hand shot and needing to aim with the left eye, I have never heard of that before. Is your right eye taking  a nap? Does it not like aiming? I can't really picture a right handed shot using their left eye to look through a scope unless you hold the gun left-handed. Why not just use your right eye?
to stay ON TOPIC, I don't think they would care what eye you used....as long as you can put rounds down range with the required accuracy, you could do it with eyes closed for all they care.....
Hi there,

Im not a sniper but I was   a small arms coach trained by a 2 RCR Sniper. I hold the weapon the same way you do and my eye thats dominint is the left so I look through the optics with the left eye as well. Youll have no problem.

I have freinds who were snipers here in the war in croatia and bosnia, some internationals, and they did this dirty job more then their share for a long and prolonged nasty dirty war.Ive never heard them talk about it in depth and ive never heard it be regarded as cool or any of the like, it was their task and they did it.. Some ex foreign legion snipers, some no previous sniper or marksmanship training. Sniping seems to be something youre born with as like reflexes. Some people just excell and naturally possess what they need other learn it....this is a dirty job for real, but it has to be done and its just bussniss...

But the best you (IMO and im not a sniper) can do to prepare is Get in the top shape, when you get in the army excell on Infantry field courses and master the areas of camouflage and marksmanship and memory games, get into target shooting and learn how to do things such as judge distance effectivly. get on courses such as Recce, mortar etc.. That should give you a good start to get on line to be considered for a sniper course someday if its offered to you. This will only be offered to the guys who display they can do it by personal skill! The top of the companies!!

I have no experience with sniper qualifications, and no military experience whatsoever, but I would imagine your gun to eye dilemma will not be an issue for you.

I was recently on a firearms course and the topic of hand versus eye dominance came up.  The only issue the instructor brought up with regards to a right-handed shooter with a dominant left eye is the fact that it might be difficult to adjust to looking across your gun, and the awkwardness of handling the weapon while doing so.  I can't see there be any problem, technical or otherwise, with your little issue, as long as you can figure it out for yourself.

Good luck with that.
Fry said:
EVERYONE wants to be a sniper! Why? Because of all the army movies! It looks so 'cool' and stuff. It's a lot harder than what you think. I know because I know an ex sniper and have heard a few stories.

I will say now, it's a **** of a lot harder than what you ALL think.(People looking to become snipers that is). YOu can say, Oh I understand it's gonna be hard... from what I can gather, it's harder than you'll ever imagine. It's still cool though :p

As for being a right hand shot and needing to aim with the left eye, I have never heard of that before. Is your right eye taking   a nap? Does it not like aiming? I can't really picture a right handed shot using their left eye to look through a scope unless you hold the gun left-handed. Why not just use your right eye?

i said above that i have a vision problem with my right eye. i cant see everything clearly in the distance. im also more comfortable aiming the way i am with my left eye looking through the scope.
deno said:
i said above that i have a vision problem with my right eye. i cant see everything clearly in the distance. im also more comfortable aiming the way i am with my left eye looking through the scope.

With such a vision problem, id say you should focus on getting your ass in the Military first, let alone on a sniper course.

Not to be discouraging, but sounds like your chances of being a sniper are slim to none.
Fry said:
It's still cool though :p

For the likes of me I do not find one thing 'cool' about being a sniper taking another mans life, even if he is the enemy. Anyone who thinks its cool has a real problem. Sorry for pissing on anyone's parade who thinks so, but thats the reality of it. There is nothing glorious or graceful in death and killing.

And speaking of parades, I am raining on Deno's now. In regards to your 'gun' shooting habits you won't even make the grade in your wierd shooting habits or by the looks of it get by a medical, and as for wanting to be a sniper, well the pshyc's might fail you too for even expressing such a comment. I find it very wierd for a person wanting to join the Army to be a sniper. Well we know what snipers do, don't we, one of the most difficult jobs ever, by day, night, in the cold and the wet under the most worst conditions we can imagine.



Anyone could have that view about any of the combat arms then, because they all kill. I'm not referring to the actual killing as being "cool". You could say that to anyone who wants to be infantry, because they think it's cool. Or artillery, or armoured, because they think it's cool.

I want armoured, but I got artillery. I like both. I think they are both cool trades to have. Why? Because many aren't able to do those jobs. They also involve serving our country and bring upon a sense of pride. Those are my reasons for thinking the combat arms are cool.
Cool is a bad choice of word Fry, and I am sure you understand what I meant, if not just take a moment to seriously think about it. I know grown men today who will break out into tears for things they seen and done well over 60 yrs ago. It takes a real man to show his true emotions on loosing good mates, or worse having them die in their arms or witness their most traumatic deaths in fron tof their eyes. Now with a newer war raging, i can only sympathise with these new Vets, and the things they have seen and done, which will be with them for the rest of their lives. All Vets deal with it, but in different ways.

A recent quote from Cec, an 80 something yr old WW2 vet who 'darkens' our Mess (and is a mad footy tipper -he's winning and I am 3rd last) for a beer or two occasionally during the week. He fought the Japs in New Guinea, he said to me "the first Jap I killed, was not a 5 foot cross-eyed slumped over round glasses wearing man poor excuse of a man, but someone who was 6 foot, fit as hell, and was not what we had drilled into our heads during training, as a weaker, smaller deformed cunning eveil enemy. He was the cream of the crop well trained battle hardened soldier, who in just a few days, melted in the jungle, decomposing and gone to skeleton in the tropical heat. I was bloody glad to get out of that place alive." Cec was noticably shaken afterwords. I later gave Cec a Canadian Year of the Veteran pin I had sent to me by someone on here ;) , as he deserved such a gesture as this, and although not Canadian, but a proud humble typical Australian Digger, who like all our Dads, Uncles, and Granfathers, fought for the common cause of what was good and right. Cec bloody deserved that small pin, and he wears it proudly.

Anyways, Fry, as for Arty, well, thats no cake walk either. I was with an RAA Sydney based Unit for over 5 yrs, and during that period I seen some (and yes participated   :warstory:) of the most serious soldiering in my entire 'double' carreer. There's more to life than 'punching bombs' into a L118/119 hamel 105mm gun. Here is a pic I took of CFN 'Rags' Reiss (RAEME Veh Tech DNSDC Mbk), one of my Diggers attached to our Regt's TST 'punching a bomb' in Sep 03 Singleton NSW.

Good luck in your training.

I understand entirely what you said in both posts. Just remember, I'm currently a civvie and I don't understand much about the CF, war, fighting, all of that.

When I say it's cool, I don't mean disrespect man, just that I admire it, and it's something that I'd like to do.

Apologies if there was any offense directed toward anyone.

Fair enough Fry, and good on ya for the clarification.


And Wes has done a stellar job of tieing up the loose ends on this thread.  Anyone with further questions on Snipers should reread Wes' advice as well as the clear-cut instructions Michael O'Leary has had to present for the umpteenth time.
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