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A question on rankings and posts on Army.ca


Jr. Member
Reaction score
Maybe I am just blind, but I can't find an explanation of rankings (the +5/-10 or so under a person's stats) anywhere and I'm pretty confused.

Also, can someone please tell me how to quote another's post in reply? I am referring to the quotations outlined in black with yellow as the background...

Thanks in advance.

Hahaha, don't worry bout it.
Rankings are simply a way of congratulating or taking your anger out on someone.   :P
People who make good points, behave themselves and get along with others get promotions.
People who stir up negative controversy, act like hooligans and clash with other members get demotions.

Quoting is easy, above each post there are two buttons. One button says "Quote" and VIOLA!   ;D
If you have any more questions, you can go to the Army.ca Admin: http://army.ca/forums/index.php/board,9
Alot of questions can be answered by looking there.
If you can't find what you're looking for, you can always PM me. I love getting messages.   ;D

Welcome to the board Christine.

The ranking sytem is for peers here to show their approval/disapproval of other board members actions/posts. If you agree or approve of another board members posts/actions then you simply check the plus column and their "score" goes up. Disapprove of their actions/statememts/conduct then click the minus and it will go down. There are limits on how many times you can do this to an individual in a certain time to prevent abuse.

As for quotes, it's simple. At the upper right of all replys/posts here are a series of boxes. Click the quotes one and a reply box will automatically open with the previous post already marked with the appropriate HTML codes for it to be included in your post as a quote eg.. Basically the same as on most Internet forums/boards.

If you don't want to use the whole quoted post you can cut and paste what you need.
Haha, you're just getting old.
We youngin's are always the fastest of the lot  8)

Only joking o'course  ;D

<lol> Thanks guys. That helped a lot!

Hmm... now to find this elusive ranking column...

<runs off in the general direction of the Member Lists>
Full Member

Rating: +26/-14
[Promote] [Demote] 

Posts: 345

Cadet, RCAC

To use Lexi's as an example, thanks Lexi, underneath the Rating +26/-14 you will see the [Promote] [Demote] buttons.  You click on those when you are either happy or cross with someone.  There is no need to run in the general direction of the member lists...
Good luck
Hmm... There is no Promote, Demote button between the Rating and Online status of anyone's post that I see. Is it a priviledge of those who are higher than Guest?

You should see something like this:


Rating: +0/-0
[Promote] [Demote]

Posts: 21

Right below your Rating: +0/-0 are the [Promote] [Demote] buttons..

I see what you are referring to, only these buttons are not there...  :-\ Bah.

Thanks anyway.
I believe you need a certain number of posts to rate others.
25, I think.
At the looks of it you should be there soon ;D


PS  It is a function that is a little petty.  Oh look I've dropped two this evening.  I must be bad :-[
Ahh I figured that... It's all good.

And George, if we keep up the discussion about MOSID, for sure I'll be more than just a guest soon enough  ;)
from darkness lite said:
Hey Lexi:

Just remember - old age with guile and treachery will always outdo youth and enthusiasm!!!

Good fun

And this from and old guy with an Int badge. ;D

BTW CJ consider this an example of a quote.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
I believe you need a certain number of posts to rate others.
25, I think.

Woohoo!! I just became a "New Member"!! And, Bruce, you are correct. Takes 25 posts to become a full member, which then gives one the ability to promote or demote.

Thanks for answering my questions, all :-)
Hi CJ,

Just thought I'd let you know that I "Enlisted" in this formum in Nov, 2000. Because I've only had 17 posts(this is # 18), I am still considered a guest. I used to be a member, but at sometime in the past, we all had to re-register, and that's when I became a guest. Can't remember when that was though. Gawd, I can't even remember what I had for breakfast today.     :crybaby:   ;D

All the best    Drummy