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A Recruiting Success Story

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bandit1
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I'm 33, living in Toronto, and a few months ago made the leap to join the Forces. After perusing all the job positions that were available, I made the choice of persuing the following trades:

1) Intelligence Operator
2) Communicator Research Operator
3) Image Technician (ya, I know, but I'm great at pics and writing!)

After doing as much digging as I possibly could, and speaking to people on here as well who are involved in the trades listed, I made the decision to join the Reg Forces. No time like the present, and in my opinion, if you go in, you go ALL in.

I submitted my application with all the appropriate paperwork and then proceeded to schedule my Aptitude and Physical tests.

I scored so well on my Ap Test that I qualified for everything! Woo hoo!! So I went forward and marked down all my decisions. Everything that I've heard about Int Op says that it's the easiest thing to apply for and the hardest thing to get into - I was happy to hear that I qualified for it!

My physical was the scary part. I used to have Bells Palsy (a facial paralysis which immobilizes 1/2 of your face, making it unable to use - Jean Chretien had this). Fortunately the regiment of medication that the Doctor put me on had me back up and about as my usual self after a month or so, and after taking the "Request for Release of Medical Information" to my Doc, he said that I'm fully healed and that there was a full recovery, with a minimal risk of recurrence and an EXCELLENT prognosis! Woot! I wear eye glasses and the eye exam went well and I provided them with the "Visual Acuity" form - success!!

All this was then followed by the Interview. As many have said, dress professionally and sit up straight. Make sure you're confident, firm, secure, knowledgable and confident (yes, x2!!) about everything you're saying. I can't get into the questions as I promised not to discuss them, but it did last well over an hour and at the end the recruiter said that he was recommending me for a career in the Forces - YES!

Everything was sent up to Ottawa - gulp - but it came back and they approved me for all the trades that I listed above. Now I'm on the Merit List and keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be selected to do my BMQ in the fall!

All I have left to say to those who are thinking about taking the plunge - believe in yourself, start running right away, do the pushups, situps, stop eating your mom's food if it puts on more pounds then it helps take off. Go to bed at 11, wake up at 5, find things both physical and mental to fill your day and don't ever stop believing that you CAN do it.

A year ago I was 32, overweight, lazy and a procrastinator. Now I am 33, can run 5km in 25 minutes and getting faster every day, have a focus for the rest of my life (even if others can't see it in me, family included) and know that I am doing what my heart wants to do.

Come on letter, I can't wait to sign you!
Well done! Keep us posted, I'm sure some prospective recruits are going to want to keep track on your progress.

Thanks for the encouragment Sirs.

Yes, I have been merit listed for Int Op - and as you can tell, I'm more than a little excited!
Bandit1 said:
Thanks for the encouragment Sirs.

Yes, I have been merit listed for Int Op - and as you can tell, I'm more than a little excited!

Cpls aren't Sirs... they work for a living.  :P  (Sorry had to).

Congratulations on your choice! Int Op from what I read will be quite the challenge, best of luck with the Merit List and your future career!
a little off topic. I hear that "don't call me sir I work for a living" bit alot here. lol. Aside from your C.O, does anyone recall  who else has said this. i.e what movie this line is from? just for a little trivia.

Congrats on all your hard work and your upcoming selection.

The Int trade can be challenging but at the same time very rewarding. Keep up the hard work and you will be able to succeed!

Actually, I've been using the term "Sir" since my youth - I find that it is a form of respect towards those who are in a more senior position to me, regardless of age.  In all my emails to the military, I also find myself typing it at the beginning of the message.  I guess once you grow up with it you just continue to use it, and given my career direction, I feel it's an asset.

Once again thank you all for your well wishes, and when I get the offer I'll let you guys know.

Just got back from my run - feeling good, oh ya!

formerarmybrat23 said:
a little off topic. I hear that "don't call me sir I work for a living" bit alot here. lol. Aside from your C.O, does anyone recall  who else has said this. i.e what movie this line is from? just for a little trivia.

i'm assuming by the lack of response that no one knows.
to answer my own question: I came across this famous CO favourite while watching the movie Stripes circa 1983 (odnt quote me) and featuring the wonderful Bill Murray.
As soon as I heard it I thought Army.ca, lol. I need to get a life ;)
formerarmybrat23 said:
i'm assuming by the lack of response that no one knows.
to answer my own question: I came across this famous CO favourite while watching the movie Stripes circa 1983 (odnt quote me) and featuring the wonderful Bill Murray.
As soon as I heard it I thought Army.ca, lol. I need to get a life ;)

Funny, I saw Stripes and I totally don't remember that part...oh well!

Follow up:

I was erroneous - I should have listened! lol

I'm actually just going through the CRNC right now, in HOPES of being merit listed! Is there a smack yourself on the back of the head icon available??

Once again, my apologies!
Bandit, that's awesome.  In reading your profile, we're almost clones (me: 34, ready for change, going for regforce MARS all the way).  Only difference is I'm further behind due to laser surgery on eyes (V5 to V1 in one op).  Otherwise just waiting for the response on the medical and get back in to finish the interview and cross fingers for the next NOAB.
Good on ya.