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Actually getting in....


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Hey everyone. 

I'm looking for a solution to my problem of actually getting into the forces.  Over the last 19 months, (since Nov. 2006) I've been trying to get into the CF.  I've applied, done the CFAT exam, interview, and medical, answered the medical questions in a way that raised flags on my app. and after seeing many medical specialists, i got reports stating i was clear of any problems, but diagnosed me with a bogus condition.  One that does not effect me adversely and has not for several years.  After getting all this done, sending my stuff off to the RMO, receiving my letter of denial, talking to my less than helpful MP, then writing a letter to PM Harper and MND MacKay, still i am being denied.

I will not take no for an answer, so what can i do?

Thank you for the help.
What is this "bogus condition"?
If we knew more, we might be able to suggest something.
well i guess its not necessarily bogus, it just pisses me off because it does not effect me.  But i used to get migraines. No pain in my head at all what so ever and i am in no way incapacitated. 
I'm guessing the logic is, what may not affect you now, could so later. It would suck getting yourself, and those around you in a situation, and then you become incapacitated, by something that you claim is bogus. Well IMO you don't give a damn about yourself thats fine, those around you, different story. That goes for most jobs civvy or CF where you have to be on the ball.
I really don't know alot about migranes, or what medical conditions are related to them.

Was it one specific trade you were turned down for, or general enrollment into the CF?
Well they keep saying medical limitation on duty has been assigned.  I believe its just general admission.  Migraines in some cases can knock people down for several days, and some like me have little effect.
Try to get to see a neurologist, that may help you especially if you can get them to write if off as not an issue. It's even better if your not having them anymore.
If there is a chance that these migraines or any other condition that may affect you and ultimately the people you work for/with will come back then it behooves the system to deny you unless you can prove they are gone for good. As was stated see a neurologist or another professional. I do say kudos for being honest and forthcoming.
i am happy to have been honest, however if i wasn't honest i wouldn't be where i am today.  In a way i am kicking my self now.  I am so frustrated, a good friend of mine is overseas now, an old friend of mine was killed overseas, and another buddy of mine whom i went to highschool with is taking some other course for his Master Corporal.  I've wanted this so bad, sometimes as weird as it sounds i even cry (yes i am a sensitive kinda guy.)  It just pisses me off that earnestness, hard work, determination, and honesty mean little to nothing.  No one has said, thank you for being honest, for even though it has kept you out of the military, you have a chance at figuring out what is wrong if anything.  The first neurologist i spoke with, the first thing he said to me when i walked in the door was, "you have a beautiful brain.  I don't see anything wrong with you that would preclude your enlistment..."
dub_audi86 said:
  I even play airsoft with ONLY CF style gear. 

What a travesty....the CF should let you in right away. Have you informed the CFRC of this ?
CDN Aviator said:
What a travesty....the CF should let you in right away. Have you informed the CFRC of this ?

Oh be nice ;) ;D

But dub, try to hold off the of AIRSOFT references here, 99% of the time you will get a "not the same/ totally different from real life/ etc etc" sort of answer.  Or just a satirical gem like the one above.  :P

Good luck! 

hahaha good to know.  I thought i'd test the waters, and learned a valuable lesson. 
I would also like to point out as well an omission is still viewed as a lie and had you got in under false pretenses and the CF had found out and they do find out, you would have been charged and possibly released. Would it been worth it then?
Ex-Dragoon said:
I would also like to point out as well an omission is still viewed as a lie and had you got in under false pretenses and the CF had found out and they do find out, you would have been charged and possibly released. Would it been worth it then?

That's so true.  Dub, your story reminded me of a friend who has been in the forces for almost 2 years.  He was taking this course in Ottawa just this past few months and one day while on training he lost consciousness and started having seizures.  In total, he had 30 seizures in 2 days.  Later that week, he was diagnosed of epilepsy and was released indefinitely.  He knew when he applied that he had been suffering of something but was OK for years but I guess due to stress and hardcore training, it came back and it him bad.  Again, he doesn't know when he'll be allowed to be back. He told me it would be at least 2 years.
so what your telling me is to hold off for a good while so that i can say for certain that i do not have them and have not had them for 3 years as opposed to rushing and joining right away and being discharged very quickly if they do findout i have the problem.
that would be my advice, cause if they do find out you have the condition and if you had a migraine in the middle of a live fire exercise or in the field, not only will you be discharged, but theres almost no chance of you ever having anything to do with the CF again, again sounds unoriginal better safe than sorry

        I am just a civiy but I think its great that you want to join the Canadian Forces. Just make sure you look after your self first . If you haven't had a problem with Migraine for a long time than go to a Doc that deals with them see if you can get the Doc to give you a note stating that you are all clear of any problems . 
          In a worse case situation just always remember that you gave it your best shot  and you did so Honorably  .  Well I wish you the best of luck .